Guru3d 6870/6850 review

The 6870 for $240 is a decent deal but so is the GTX 470 for $220.
I was going to bite on the 470 earlier today when the prices dropped but then I read the 6870 performs close to the 470 but is smaller, cooler, and uses less power. Hopefully Brent, Kyle, and Co. will confirm this soon.
so the 6870 is slightly better than the 5850?

Yes- better than the 5850 AND the GTX 470 according to the guru3d review. I'm still waiting to really give my judgement till I get the [H] review.
Wow... things changed alot in the 5 min I had to run off before hitting post!
Shit.. Now the hard part.. Deciding which one I want.. In the air about either the giga or the xfx atm..
I always go with xfx if I can. Can't beat the lifetime warranty.
I was going to go with the XFX board but the ASUS has a 3 year warranty for $40 cheaper and, knowing me, I will sell it long before then. :rolleyes:
At the same clock speed, a 6870 still has 15% more shaders. The 6850 overclocked would need to have a 5% higher clock speed than the 6870 overclocked to get near the 10% difference you are hoping for.

I am over simplifying things here, but IMHO you are overestimating the abilities of the 6850.
10% difference like I said when both cards are oced to their max. ;)
I want the Gigabyte 6850 for my AMD rig, that card looks nice and the price range is decent, for a mid range card that performs close to the 5850.
After reading a number of reviews I think I'll wait for a sale on the 6870s before I pick up one, it looks like guru3d must have used older drivers for their review. The 470 outperforms the 6870 in all the other reviews I've read.
No surprise. It's pretty much what most people said it would be. The 6870 is in between the 5850 and 5870.
I want the Gigabyte 6850 for my AMD rig, that card looks nice and the price range is decent, for a mid range card that performs close to the 5850.

thats what I just ordered.. I am just hoping it ends up fitting in a Lian Li PC-Q11.. As far as I can tell I will have to remove the shroud and cross my fingers..
The prices don't reflect this. The 6870 is price closer to a 5850 and the 6850 is priced closer to the 5830. 6850 is nowhere near the cost of a 5770 at this point.

The story will depend on whether these cards go down in price like the 48xx launch or go up in price like the 58xx launch.

They will go down because of immediate competition. Nvidia didn't have any DX11 parts a year ago, but this time they have cards and a refresh in the works. Lots of competition this holiday.
They will go down because of immediate competition. Nvidia didn't have any DX11 parts a year ago, but this time they have cards and a refresh in the works. Lots of competition this holiday.

Nvidia was losing money for a while when they were selling GTX260 cards on the cheap when there were deep in a price war. I do not expect that to happen again, even if it means they are moving less units.

Expect the GTX 460 1 GB card to drop about $30 MSRP and the 470 to keep selling at its new lower price which seems to be around $220.
if you actually look and read the graphs instead following the graph from top to bottom
you will see that 470 still wins
they somehow don't put the higher performance cards in order instead just putting all the new 6* amd series on top of the charts
good one
To much Hype on the 6800s and is not a big deal, just improved 5850s and 5870s, nothing really impressive on the table but improved stuff. looking forward on the 6900s

Now i would really like to see a real crossfire scaling since all the cf i have seen is on 1900X1200.. that resolution doesn't really push this cards to the limits (memory and gpu computing wise), i mean if you are playing at 1900X1200 resolution a crossfire config is overkill, you can manage to get maximun settings with a comfortable and playable frame rate in pretty much every game that is out there with just 1 card.

If the Crossfire issues have been fixed, we might need to test it with eyefinity setups 5700*1200 res. and really push the crossfire were is really needed.

Also overclocking is a feature that it would awesome to see how overclocking scales, but on real useful scenarios, really 1900X1200 doesn't make sense to get crossfire, and overclocking for 1900X1200 just meh! give me higher resolutions to really start seeing what the cards are capable of and if the crossfire scaling is really improved.

anyhow Love the price war part!
Why do some sites show the 470 beating the 6870 and others show it loosing what is the diffrence makers?
Why do some sites show the 470 beating the 6870 and others show it loosing what is the diffrence makers?

Some games are biased towards Nvidia and some games are biased towards AMD. Plus Nvidia seems to have an advantage with 4xAA enabled. You can tell if a game is heavily biased for AMD if you see the 5870 beating the GTX 480. On the flipside if the GTX 470 is beating the 5870 it's biased towards Nvidia.