GuildWars Minipet's


Mar 19, 2007
Hello all,
I have a question in the new numbers of the computer mags, there is a code for a GuildWars Minipet.
If someone buys that magazine and dont uses the code.
Can u then please PM me that code??

thanx in advance.
Dibs on the third.

Would be nice to tell them WHICH magazine though.

It's PC Gamer. :)
dibbage incase i can't find the damn mag like last time they did this. However if i get one and already have a pet i'll give the code out here
Hello all,
There are serveral gaming magazines that have in the "next/last" issue a article about guildwars, (including a code for a new minipet)
I dont have the "exact names" but there are about 12 magazines that do this thing.
I'm thinking of getting the Pc Gaming one, it's the april edition btw
I will be honest, i cant afford the magazines.
I can just break even with my cash for the month..

So thats why i posted here,
In the hope someone has a code for me witch he/she is not using.
For a update on the magazine's who will have the code for the pet..

Articles and Features with Asura Miniature

Country Magazine Issue Number & Month Date on Sale

United States PC Gamer 161 – May April 3, 2007
France Joystick 193 – May April 21, 2007
Germany PC Games 06/07 – May April 25, 2007
Italy The Game Machine 221 – May April 26, 2007
United Kingdom PC Zone 181 – June April 26, 2007
Denmark PC Player 5 - May April 26, 2007
Sweden PC Gamer 125 - May May 8, 2007
Czech Republic / Slovakia Level 152 – May May 3, 2007
Greece PC Master Magazine 210 – April March 27, 2007
Romania Level 117 – May April 19, 2007
Russia Game World Navigator 120 – May May 15, 2007
Serbia Gameplay 18 – May May 5, 2007
South Africa New Age Gaming Magazine Volume 9 Issue 17 - June May 25, 2007
Bulgaria PC Mania 109 - May April 25, 2007
Can i have dibbs on the 7th spot, i don't have access to those magazines where i live :(

LOL. More like "I don't feel like wasting 5 bucks on a magazine when some sucker off hard forums can give me a code for free. HAHAH I'm so fooling everyone"
I have heard from some in the game they got the magazine allready with the code.
So it cant take too long for everybody to get the magazine
Anyone have a code that is not going to be used, please PM me when you can. Thanks.