Guild Wars Factions...should i?


Jun 9, 2003
I was wondering if I should give this one a try. I have played CoH, SWG, Horizons, WoW,EQ2 etc already over the past years and am currently waiting for Pirates of the Burning Seas to hit shelves.

Is Factions a decent game to play in the interim? I like the idea that there is no monthly fee but am not really too sure on the gameplay aspect compared to any of those other games I mentioned.

Any advice?
If it is anything like the original GW's you won't like it. I sure didn't after WoW, GW's is just like one big instance all by yourself, and you only interact with real people inside cities..
thats not true you can run missions with other players and interact in the cities, and many levels in the same city too.
back to the question, yes its fun for a bit but I got bored of it, its a pretty big world but is not completely free roaming like wow
Well this would be sort of an in-betweener kind of thing for me. I just am not sure if I should plop down the $50 or not. I mean the graphics seems tight, the PvP is supposed to be good, but the real question is how is everything else?
The PvP is a lot of fun. The story told is a really good one. Solid, well written, and it kept my attention. It's addicting for sure. Get in a good Guild and it can make all the difference between an average experience and a great one. ;)

No monthly fee either. Nuff said.
Is their a [H] guild for guild wars? I love the game but am to the point where i need a good guild to have fun. The new factions is fun but I think I liked the original better when it came out. I am having fun playing as a ritualist though.
morpheus777 said:
The PvP is a lot of fun. The story told is a really good one. Solid, well written, and it kept my attention. It's addicting for sure. Get in a good Guild and it can make all the difference between an average experience and a great one. ;)

No monthly fee either. Nuff said.
for an in-between kind of game it's definitely worth a shot. if you can find a good guild that fits you, you'll definitely be playing this for a long tim.