GTX 680 - Time to upgrade?

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^^So if cannondale06 doesn't STFU he will be banned...ha!

Op: If you haven't ran off what res are you gaming at?

and how the hell am I trolling?I'm simply replying given my opinions just like anyone else.even going on my way to try to explain myself. But yeah I must be a troll.
I would be completely happy with my 680 if it had 3+gb of GPU memory. It was my only reservation about buying it when it released, but I went ahead and did. Unfortunately now even at 1920x1080 and no AA BF4 will run into hitches due to VRAM, and other games will certainly follow suite.

I am going to attempt to wait for an 880, but might consider getting a 290X and selling my 680. My next GPU will have no fewer than 4gb of mem on it.

So it really depends on your preference. A friend of mine just upgraded his entire system, which included a GTX760 2gb. He would probably say that I am crazy for considering to upgrade, but he doesnt play as many different games as I do, nor does he care about the quality that the game runs at as long as he can see it and it is playable. I however, am not that way. Once I start dropping res and AA in order to stay above 50FPS then I start having a difficult time enjoying the experience.

So it is really a difficult call to make for someone else. You have to ask yourself what your happy with experience wise. You absolutely will not be able to max all games at 60FPS going forward. If you want that, then the time is now. Cheers!
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so you roll your eyes to say that to me? as if I have no other hobbies and only use my pc to game on? the point was that I always can buy a fairly decent modern card for relatively little money so I can play new stuff without spending much.

Go you.

I roll my eyes because you fail to comprehend the fact that not everybody has the same goals/interests as you when it comes to PC upgrades, yanno? Get over yourself.
Go you.

I roll my eyes because you fail to comprehend the fact that not everybody has the same goals/interests as you when it comes to PC upgrades, yanno? Get over yourself.
no kidding.again the point you seem to have missed in your haste to roll your eyes was that I was talking about doing that for my budget standpoint to have money for other things such as other hobbies like you just mentioned. that makes more sense then to just get a card now and hold on forever maybe because you spent too much on that card in the first place. Again anybody sitting on the old card will only try and justify or even exaggerate what is capable of instead of admitting that they want to upgrade to. and that was shown by the very person acting like their card was good enough yet literally at the same time posting on another thread about wanting to upgrade it. So yes I stand by what I said weather you roll your eyes are not
no kidding.again the point you seem to have missed in your haste to roll your eyes was that I was talking about doing that for my budget standpoint to have money for other things such as other hobbies like you just mentioned. that makes more sense then to just get a card now and hold on forever maybe because you spent too much on that card in the first place. Again anybody sitting on the old card will only try and justify or even exaggerate what is capable of instead of admitting that they want to upgrade to. and that was shown by the very person acting like their card was good enough yet literally at the same time posting on another thread about wanting to upgrade it. So yes I stand by what I said weather you roll your eyes are not

You went off asking what the point of keeping old cards too long was in a reply to the guy with an old SLI setup. I'm pretty sure that guy didn't try to justify anything, just asked how many generations he missed. He obviously doesn't care, but you had to go on and on about how dumb you think it is to sit on old cards. You asked, I answered. Pretty simple.
I'm in the same boat -- waiting for BF4 retail benches to come out and will make a decision then. Hopefully 2 GB is sufficient for 1440P, in which case I'll pick up a used reference 680. If not, will look at the R9's as well as the the 780's if they drop the price. Gonna be tough to settle for 3 GB of VRAM though considering 2 GB has me in this situation to begin with.
Let's get some personal experiences back in this thread: I upgraded from a GTX 680 to a 780. Happy with the upgrade.
My 680 is good enough for 90% of my games at 1080p/60, but that other 10% will bother me 'til the end of time :p

My general rule is that I like to upgrade every other cycle. I'm intrigued by the new ATI stuff, even if I hate their drivers. As long as Nvidia's performance stays in the same ballpark, I tend to favor them.
Let's get some personal experiences back in this thread: I upgraded from a GTX 680 to a 780. Happy with the upgrade.

I'm having a hard time justifying a ≈25% more FPS increase for $650 (≈$400 after selling the 680). If the 680 had more VRAM it would be a no brainer to go SLI -- just have to see what it does in the games you play. Plus, at this point if I haven't jumped on the 780 yet there's really no point in doing so.
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