GTX 580 VS GTX 295


Limp Gawd
Dec 5, 2007
I really want DX 11 but my GTX 295 has no problem playing any game at my 1900x1200 resolution on my Dell U2410 monitor. Is a GTX 580 a worthy upgrade or should I wait until the next generation of video cards?
Pick up a 480 since gains were somewhat minimal when they clocked a 580 to 480 clocks. I wouldn't say it's worth the extra money.
Do not get a 480. Too hot and too loud! The 580 would be a great upgrade in my opinion.
That 580 will stomp a mud hole out of a 295 plus it has the DX 11 aspect that the 295 will never have. Alot less heat too.
I really want DX 11 but my GTX 295 has no problem playing any game at my 1900x1200 resolution on my Dell U2410 monitor. Is a GTX 580 a worthy upgrade or should I wait until the next generation of video cards?

What games are you playing now? What are you looking to play in the future? What do you see DX11 offering in those games? Can you turn up all the 'eye candy' at your current resolution in your current games? These are all questions you need to ask yourself before spending the extra money. Personally, I always go about two to three steps below the top offerings, where videocards are concerned. The price drop vs performance seems to be the sweet spot there. I haven't been disappointed yet. My current GTX470 at 1280 MB of GDDR5 has enough buffers to comply.. and is fast enough and smooth enough for every game I run...and I'm on a 24" Sony FW-900 CRT at 2304x1440 resolution with 6xAA in every single racing title I own..except for Richard Burns Rally. It doesn't offer that high of a resolution.
I can max out all my games. I play Battlefield 2, BC2 (DX 11), starcraft 2, company of heroes, COD Black ops, l4d 2. Pretty much im only missing out on Bad company 2. When i play a game i can use my computer to heat the whole room. Would 2x 570's be worth it? How long until the next gen of cards come out?
A single GTX570 (at considerable savings, and offering the DX11 you want) would do everything you need at that resolution. If later-on down the road at some point, you feel the need for more fire-power, then all that's required is to pick up another one... as the prices will only come down when newer cards are released. It's a win,win for you... however you look at it.
A gtx 570 varies between equal in some games to quite a bit more powerful in others compared to the gtx 295. A gtx 580 is better in everything, usually by a pretty significant amount but whether thats going to equate out the a better gaming experience.... well thats up to you. I doubt you will see enough of a difference in real world game play to justify purchasing a gtx 580 at this point if its purely about performance.

HOWEVER... if you are like me and drool over new hardware with an unhealthy fascination, then your techy nerdy side will be loving going from 100 FPS to 135. If I had the bucks I would plop them down right now on a gtx 580, knowing a 570 or even 470 would be plenty for my 1080p monitor.
the gtx 295 is > the GTX480 most of the time they are compared.
Take that as you will...
Well I'd say they are about on par with each other but the 580 has several advantages. One being that it is a dx11 card. Secondly being that it is not an sli card so you don't have to worry about new games not supporting sli and only using half the cards power. Also it has more vram.
Why spend money on an upgrade when you don't bench and you card plays all of your games?
Do not get a 480. Too hot and too loud! The 580 would be a great upgrade in my opinion.

agreed i would not get a 480 now

the 570 is basically the same speed overall as the 480 (can be a little slower for super bandwidth limited stuff and a bit faster for super fancy long shader limited stuff) and runs cooler/quieter

the 580 is a bit faster and still is a little bit cooler and quieter although it costs more

i think the 480 is really odd man out now, if there is one to avoid in the entire lineup it would be that one now

so either stick as is or go for a 570 to get DX11 or a 580 to also make sure you at least boost performance overall a touch, although for many the 570 seems likely to be best bang for the buck
especially at 1920x1200 and not 26-30"
I can max out all my games. I play Battlefield 2, BC2 (DX 11), starcraft 2, company of heroes, COD Black ops, l4d 2. Pretty much im only missing out on Bad company 2. When i play a game i can use my computer to heat the whole room. Would 2x 570's be worth it? How long until the next gen of cards come out?

AMD should be out this week completing the new line up for both company's (sans the 560GTX and lower 500 series) so its going to be a while

You do not need a GTX480. as said they are hot and load and should be avoided unless you can find one a rock bottom prices. They were never a good deal, a 5870 matches (or nearly so depending on the game) a 480GTX in real game play. they can be had for around 225. that along with the far better 570GTX pretty well kills it.

if you want to upgrade to DX11 then do one of these. get a 5870 (its on the way out so the prices on it are falling fast, makes for a cheaper but dated option) or go with a newer and slightly faster 570GTX (newer and still a little overpriced) the 570GTX is a much better card and a big improvement (if it wasn't for the stiff competition at the midrange the 350 would be good price, but right the midranged cards make it expensive by comparison) it still does take considerably more power then the AMD cards but it worlds ahead of 400 series.

keep in mind that regardless of what you do your going to pretty well get the same game play at your resolution regardless of a 5870, 570GTX, 580GTX, or a 6870. on a single 2.3mp screen they are all going to perform about the same barring new games that will push the limit.
Your other option is to go GTX 460SLI. That is what I did. I sold my 5870 to get 460SLI and I am very happy with it.

Now while this will get you cheaper 580 performance, DX11 and perfect balance for your resolution and CPU, it is also non upgradable. ie you cannot go triple SLI.

But, my opinion is that anything less than 570SLI you will not "feel" the difference.
Upgrading to get DX11 now at the end of 2010 is total nonsense. Don't do it. You will be sorry. Keep your current card until it stops pleasing you or until a game actually uses DX11 properly and your card can't match up. If all your games are great, why rock the boat? For DX11? Foolishness.
I've seen a few people discussing the gtx480 vs the gtx580's speed and temperature. I'd like to comment regarding these two.

I have the gtx480sc with a dangerden waterblock. It's clocked below peak comfortably at the following:

my GTX480sc
Core clock: 885Mhz
Shader clock: 1770Mhz
Memory clock: 4296Mhz (effective)

GTX580 FTW Hydro Copper 2
Core clock: 850Mhz
Shader clock: 1700Mhz
Memory clock: 4196Mhz (effective)

I've clocked mine higher without issues; however, did not find that it made a noticeable difference for the games I was playing, so I dropped down the clocks to what was super comfortable. As you can see, the 480 can be clocked to speeds that exceed the fastest gtx580. With water cooling, neither noise, nor heat is even worth addressing with text. My card never breaches 50'c.

Sow what it comes down to is, how much are you willing to do yourself. If you are willing to put in a bit of time, you can take a $350 (my gtx480sc) card and make it rock and make it stable.

All of the cards mentioned are nice. DX11 is a huge benefit, but the gtx295 is a sweet card still.
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