GTX 560 vs HD 6950?

The SOC is just a factory overclocked version right? Last I checked, most of the 6950's can OC pretty well. So if we are comparing overclocks...

6950 @ $260 is a wicked deal. Buy two, flash them, and you are an absolutely INSANE graphics setup for about the cost of a single GTX580. That is just freaking unreal.
The SOC is just a factory overclocked version right? Last I checked, most of the 6950's can OC pretty well. So if we are comparing overclocks...

6950 @ $260 is a wicked deal. Buy two, flash them, and you are an absolutely INSANE graphics setup for about the cost of a single GTX580. That is just freaking unreal.

And it's more versatile because of 2GB. You could easily power 57 x 12 with two 6950s let alone two 6970s. I think AMD is a better value for everything >=$250 right now, and the 580 is just irrelevant unless you like to brag about it.
Theyre both good, depends on which you can get cheaper IMO

SLI is a bit better tho IMO coming from tri-fire
The 560s are better for lower resolutions and the 6950s are better at higher res. Dont forget the insane overclockability of the 560s!
wow finally customer's market !!!!! woot woot....

There is so much to chose from...

BTW... how is the noise level at load on 2GB 6950 with unlocked shaders?
If it wasn't for the SoC's being reviewed, I bet this question isn't even asked. This is assuming the SoC models aren't gouged - hah! But all things considered, when you consider the kind of clock rate required for the 560 Ti's _just_ to match a stock 6950?

Major sighs man. The stock 560 Ti's really are overpriced tbh - if the SoC was $249 (and no-gouging), that would be an ok chip to compare. But the 560 Ti's should be closer to $220 - which is, ironically the 6870 price. Tada.
Galaxy GeForce GTX 560 Ti GC Video Card Review said:
The GTX 560 Ti matches the gameplay experience of the Radeon HD 6870, but costs more. Logically, it makes sense to save $30 and get the same performance for less by going with the Radeon HD 6870.

Im slightly biased toward nVidia, so I'd gladly spend that extra $30 and get the 560 Ti :cool:

The Ti reminds me of the days when Ti 4600 was king, Ti 4200 was the real steal and Ti 4400 was, well, just Ti 4400. I actually had that monster Ti 4600 :eek:
And it's more versatile because of 2GB. You could easily power 57 x 12 with two 6950s let alone two 6970s. I think AMD is a better value for everything >=$250 right now, and the 580 is just irrelevant unless you like to brag about it.

Let the people spend their money on the 560s. The value on those things are next to zero at the current price point.
Cost the same as a 6950 but has to be overclocked to compete.:rolleyes:
nösferatu;1036761241 said:
The Ti reminds me of the days when Ti 4600 was king, Ti 4200 was the real steal and Ti 4400 was, well, just Ti 4400. I actually had that monster Ti 4600 :eek:
Nvidia trying to gain customers by appealing to their fond memories?
A time when they were actually properly competitive? :) Before they turned into overly power hungry, expensive monstrosities?
Fanboys like you, heck fanboys of both sides make me sick...The gtx 560 is not the same price as the 6950....they are both cards but the 560 is a better deal for low resolutions...
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Fanboys like you, heck fanboys of both sides make me sick...The gtx 560 is not the same price as the 6950....they are both cards but the 560 is a better deal for low resolutions...

Pot, kettle, etc. The GTX560Ti is not a better deal. It's $10 away from the 1GB HD6950, which is faster than it. Comparing a 1GB GTX560Ti to a 2GB HD6950 is not appropriate and you know it.
Fanboys like you, heck fanboys of both sides make me sick...The gtx 560 is not the same price as the 6950....they are both cards but the 560 is a better deal for low resolutions...

You call people fanboys then say that? The 560 does not seem to be a better deal than anything right now. Drop the price btly about $30 and the argument can be made as it is now the 6850 1g is faster in most games for the same price.
I assume you mean the 6950 1GB. The 6850 is most definitely not faster than the GTX560Ti (Well, except maybe F1 2010)

6950 is faster than the 560 by quite a bit. The 570 is neck and neck with the 6950 maybe a little faster, but when it comes to AA the 6950 is best because of its 2GB of VRAM. Also the reference 6950 has been known to unlock to 6970 with bios flash.
There is a 2GB 560 available for $279 if you are really concerned about AA and higher res. I've seen people post pics of crysis w/ mods running well over 1GB of vram @ 1080, so it is a factor.

Tom's review of the 560ti mentioned that the competing 6950 1GB running Metro 2033 choked @ 1080 w/ 4aa and 16af because of an insufficient frame buffer, so the notion that 1GB won't become a factor at 1080 (even at present) is nonsense, making the 2GB options on both cards look tempting. The review also states that the overclocking potential makes the 560 a slam dunk against the $80 more 570.,2845-17.html

If you consider the overclocking potential of the 560 the pictures becomes a little muddier. I've seen countless claims that it won't surpass the 570 at stock speeds, but this review shows otherwise.

I'm honestly taking a liking to physx as of late, coupled with relatively strong driver releases and good 3rd party support, I'm leaning towards the 560 but I'm still on the fence. I'm currently on a 5770 and thinking it's between the 560 and the 570. I was honestly surprised that the extra CUDA cores, ROP's and 384bit interface didn't give the 570 a larger advantage when compared to a highly OC'd 560. Still thinking about flashing a 6950, but I'd like to change things up a give Nvidia a go again.
570 can overclock too...and from everything I've read, its a great card. They are pretty cheap now too...I think I saw them for $305 after rebate on Newegg.
Honestly, at $300...its a steal. Compares well against a 6970, and should offer a bit of OCing headroom.
570 can overclock too...and from everything I've read, its a great card. They are pretty cheap now too...I think I saw them for $305 after rebate on Newegg.
Honestly, at $300...its a steal. Compares well against a 6970, and should offer a bit of OCing headroom.

Yup, that logic always applies since all cards come with some headroom. From what I gather though, the 560 can garner a 25% oc whereas the 570 typically oc's to about 15%. The 560 really seems to benefit beyond the additional 10% increase, perhaps because it stock clocks higher than the 570 to begin with (I believe).
Is it true nvidia can't run 3 screens off 1 card?

Cuz that's a big thing for me when I am building a comp. Adding a 2nd card = increased PSU cost + mobo having 2x pcie slots that are high speed (which costs more), and obviously the cost of the 2nd vid card.

I still think the 6950 wins in terms of cost and relative performance + ability to have 3 monitors off 1 card. Personally I'd like to have nVidia in my system but I also want to have 3 screens. Me changing over to nVidia = about $2-300 before buying the gfx card.
Is it true nvidia can't run 3 screens off 1 card?

Cuz that's a big thing for me when I am building a comp. Adding a 2nd card = increased PSU cost + mobo having 2x pcie slots that are high speed (which costs more), and obviously the cost of the 2nd vid card.

I still think the 6950 wins in terms of cost and relative performance + ability to have 3 monitors off 1 card. Personally I'd like to have nVidia in my system but I also want to have 3 screens. Me changing over to nVidia = about $2-300 before buying the gfx card.

Yes, that's true.
If that's what's more important to you, then you should definitely get the HD 6950 or whatever Radeon that supports Eyefinity and suits your budget!
The fact that I remembered Fry's price-matches this decision is a done deal. $300 HD6950 here I come.