GTX 285 upgrade


Jul 9, 2004
I'm looking to upgrade my GTX 285 from a few years ago. I'm now running a Dell 27 incher thats 2560 x 1440. Any recommendations?
I'm flexable in my budget, but I'm not going all the way up to the 580, too much money. I just wasn't sure if the 560 was enough of an upgrade or could handle everything at my resolution.
I'm looking at a 560 as my next card late Feb early March. Currently sporting the GTX260. Its 300 better than what I currently own!! lol
I would at least get a HD6970 or GTX580, everything else is not worth it IMO. I upgraded from a GTX285 to a HD5870 which I returned because I felt it the performance boost wasn't worth it. Waited it out and I couldn't be happier with my GTX580. The HD6970 is also an exceptional card, you can't go wrong with either.
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6950 --> unlock to 6970 is the best I think in terms of value for money for now I think.

But you have to think for GTX570 on that price range.

Go for GTX580 if money is not the problem :)
At 2560x1440 you may find the 570 VRAM lacking if you use much AA. I'd get the 6970 or 580 if you can.
Not to hijack but I should ask this. Would a 580 be overkill for my system? I plan on going Windows 7 very soon and adding more ram. What you guys think? I can just use the 580 for now and when I upgrade, I'll get a further boost in performance?
Not to hijack but I should ask this. Would a 580 be overkill for my system? I plan on going Windows 7 very soon and adding more ram. What you guys think? I can just use the 580 for now and when I upgrade, I'll get a further boost in performance?

You would be better off with a GTX570 and spend the price difference on a new cpu and motherboard.
wait till the green gaint releases the GTX 590 (may be next month) then you might get GTX580 on the price of GTX570 now :)

dont go for changing the bios of 6950 to 6970, it might degrade the GPU

i have moved from GTX 260 to 6850 (no change :) ) then 6950 (i can say its almost 2x better than GTX260)

and dont forget your PSU limitation :)

Best of luck
I'm looking to upgrade my GTX 285 from a few years ago. I'm now running a Dell 27 incher thats 2560 x 1440. Any recommendations?

If fan noise is an issue than GTX 570/580, but if fan noise is not an issue, than hands down the XFX HD 6950 2GB
I'm actually in pretty much the same situation. Have a GTX285 and was wondering if the 560 is enough of an upgrade if I game at 1920x1080.

Actually, not to high-jack the thread (also) but does anyone know if the HDMI out on the 560 carries audio or just video? If it carries audio, can it take audio from a soundcard or can it only do it from the on-board audio on the motherboard?