GTX 280 Cash Back, other manufacturers?


Limp Gawd
Nov 9, 2007
XFX is doing this, do we know if any of the other manufacturers are planning on doing this? Who can we bug at the manufacturers to follow?
If the money is coming from nVidia I would expect maybe some others to offer something.
I wouldn't be surprised to see eVGA/BFG doing something similar, but would be at the other brands.
I wouldn't be surprised to see eVGA/BFG doing something similar, but would be at the other brands.

Perhaps, but not for step up customers, and perhaps losing the step up option if you take the cash. The step us is supposed to be your price protection.
I feel that such heavy card going to consume too much power !! Wont a setup with 2 smaller cards in sli be a better setup than a big fat card ?
I feel that such heavy card going to consume too much power !! Wont a setup with 2 smaller cards in sli be a better setup than a big fat card ?

No, and for a variety of reasons. Plus, SLI isn't a particularly good technology and has its own issues with microstuttering and inconsistent framerates. Also, two weaker cards often use more power than a single higher-end card.
SLI should only ever be used when the BEST card on the market cant cut the mustard. Using 2 lower end cards to equal 1 higher end card may be cheaper, but is usually not worth it with all the headaches that come along with it.