GTX-260 216core, WoW, Low FPS, Problem?


Nov 11, 2001
Hey guys,

I just built my new system, which is listed in my signature. I primarily play World of Warcraft right now. I know the frame rate in Dalaran isn't always going to be the best, however even on the lowest settings I don't get higher than 15fps. I play at 1680x1050 resolution. My drivers are the latest that nVidia had to offer, which is 181.22. I'm also using Vista Business x64 edition.

I'm not sure if maybe there is something in the configuration for the Gigabyte GA-EP45-UD3R or not... but something just doesn't seem right. Is there anything else that I can check to make sure I'm running as good as I can?
Is it only a problem you see in WoW? Or is your FPS pretty bad in other games also?
Sorry Wil, I haven't attempted to try to install any other games at this point. I still want to purchase GTA4 as well as the latest Call of Duty, but I haven't done so yet. WoW is the only one I know of. I am attempting to download a 3dmark version so that I can see what my score would be, if that would be of any help. Also, on my motherboard i set my card to act as turbo, I don't know if it overclocks itself or what.
I got my 3DMark score (God I hope it wasn't a waste of $7!). My total marks are 11179 3dMarks. CPU Score is 30961, and Graphics Score is 9216. Is this good?
Guys you can disregard this, I don't believe there are any issues. It turns out that there is a huge framerate reduction when you're in windowed mode, and you maximize the screen fully. If you don't maximize the screen, you're fine.

Fortunately I have a much better PC now that I don't mind alt-tabbing if I have to look something up... but jeez, I didn't enjoy the scare!