GTA: SA my 2 cents


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 22, 2001
Ya i probyl don't need to make a thread about this cuse is already a million......but here i go

OK MY 2 cents. I have been playing Violent games since i've been like 12.. And i've never beat anyone up or had to urge to do anything bad cuse of games....But i got GTA SA and now i Guess i'm a grow adult. (21) and man i was just disgusted with this game. The whole time I'm thinking "god I can't belive little kids play this game!" And I love Violent games but GTA SA seems like it takes it too far to me. I played GTA 3 and GTA vice city and those where both TO ME based on movies. Goodfellas and Scareface. And as we all know are just movies and are to be viewied that way. But this SA is just some gansta ass shit. I swear they must have a 13 gang member comes up with the ideas for this game. "go kill the crack headed chicken heads" " go pop a cap in that !!!!!" "yo fuck that !!!!!. fuck you bitch ass hoe fuck fuck fuck. I mean give me a break.

Is anyone else out there agree that gta sa just took this shit alittle too far?
Your creative use of the english language is bold, sir. BOLD.

I salute you.
Well see the reason I talk like this is OF COURSE OF GTA. Well that and public school. Where they actualy talk like they do in GTA SA. And where running down the street so you don't get shot by gang memeber ISN"T A GAME!
Ive been playing violent games since the age of 5.I remember picking up doom and quake 1 and having lots of fun.I have never had the urge to kill someone though.I havent played none of the GTA serious.The game just seems like it has a dumb concept.
GTA3 and GTA:VC were not based on movies, although they do have many similarities to the two movies you mentioned. GTA:SA also has many similarities to movies about gangs in LA in the 90s. Ever heard of Boyz in the Hood or Menace II Society? I don't see how you can say that you can "view" the first two games as movies, but then not have the same attitude towards SA. Your argument doesn't really make any sense at all, and your sentence structure/grammar is horrible.
see this is what i mean. Home boy NitrouseXpress60 is a real thug. And GTA SA promotes his type of bad behavior. Beating up cops, sellings drugs, call people "!!!!!s" should not be Glorified.
I love when people talk about my sentence structure/grammar. Hello people. This is some forum on the INTERWEB. Not a college paper!

I just gotta know if people agree with me in that GTA SA did take things a little too far...
Ron1jed said:
I love when people talk about my sentence structure/grammar. Hello people. This is some forum on the INTERWEB. Not a college paper!

True, but it is nice when what you're typing is actually readable and makes sense. Think of this as a projection of yourself... if u typ like sum stoopid kid we tink u r a retard.
Ron1jed said:
see this is what i mean. Home boy NitrouseXpress60 is a real thug. And GTA SA promotes his type of bad behavior. Beating up cops, sellings drugs, call people "!!!!!s" should not be Glorified.

lmfao haha thats going in my sig, face it, chicago is kick ass, we got street tuned cars all over, we got the projects, and we got a shit load of gangs and graffiti which i love btw. we dont beat up cops here that much but drugs, yeah, there are a lot sold by the mexicans and shit. my fried walked home one night down a fairly peaceful neighborhood and got a gun held to his head asking for money. its scary shit in the real world. public schools here are a no no as people get stabbed just for being asked for money and saying you dont have any. this is all no bullshit either...again.
Ron1jed said:
And GTA SA promotes his type of bad behavior. Beating up cops, sellings drugs, call people "!!!!!s" should not be Glorified.

Omg you just described a single episode of cops. Which is free on basic tv.
oh i belive you man. In my high school in a class of 30 kids MAYBE 4 of them where white. Fights everyday. One year a english teacher got stabbed.....Gang life is out there. Hell its everywhere. Rap videos,,movies EVEN WWE!!! Just look at john cena. His whole "thing" is that he is a "thug". And a white one at that. I would loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee to know if he is a poser. I just don't feel that thug life type of lifestyle should be Glorified. Thats all i'm saying.

And cool i'm in ur sig now! Sweet
I should start a thread:

BF2 my 2 cents

BF2 Promotes war and how great it would be to be a soldier blowing people up and shooting a machine gun killing groups of people. You can steal enemy tanks and drive off cliffs or go kamikaze in a jet like a jap! IT shoul not be glorified and it offends me because im a bitch ass pussy that gets offended by games.
S0m30n3 said:
BF2 Promotes war and how great it would be to be a soldier blowing people up and shooting a machine gun killing groups of people. You can steal enemy tanks and drive off cliffs or go kamikaze in a jet like a jap! IT shoul not be glorified and it offends me because im a bitch ass pussy that gets offended by games.

thats not in chicago lol
NitrouseXpress60 said:
thats not in chicago lol

As soon as master p gets his spinners on his no limit tank it will be. He's on his way.
Ron1jed said:
I love when people talk about my sentence structure/grammar. Hello people. This is some forum on the INTERWEB. Not a college paper!
And yet, if you want to be taken seriously, regardless of the venue, spelling and grammer are paramount.

Especially so on some text based forum, where the ONLY impression people can get of you is in how you write.

Regardless, it would seem the first impression given from your initial post is entirely accurate.

Note that I am not saying spelling is the end all be all. I am saying that at least a reasonable attempt should be made to avoid the appearance of reading my cell phone display.
Keller said:
GTA3 and GTA:VC were not based on movies, although they do have many similarities to the two movies you mentioned. GTA:SA also has many similarities to movies about gangs in LA in the 90s. Ever heard of Boyz in the Hood or Menace II Society? I don't see how you can say that you can "view" the first two games as movies, but then not have the same attitude towards SA. Your argument doesn't really make any sense at all, and your sentence structure/grammar is horrible.

um first of all i dont kno how much more scarface could be like vice city, i do disigree with the GTA3 and Goodfellas, no relationship
According to the Department of Justice, we have the least violent kids in the past 25 years. And yet, we insist on treating them all like they're criminals. i.e metal detectors, random searches, uniforms, drug dog drills. I wouldn't go so far as to definitively say video games have caused this dramatic drop in youth violence...but I wouldn't rule out the possibility that video games have had a positive effect. It seems also that with every successive generation of kids in school we treat them as if they have no rights. I guess when you're teaching the young that they have no rights, makes those rights that much easier to take away when they reach adulthood.
BF2 Promotes war and how great it would be to be a soldier blowing people up and shooting a machine gun killing groups of people. You can steal enemy tanks and drive off cliffs or go kamikaze in a jet like a jap! IT shoul not be glorified and it offends me because im a bitch ass pussy that gets offended by games.


LOL nice

BF2 does suck big ballz. But everyone seems to play it.....
Ron1jed said:
BF2 does suck big ballz. But everyone seems to play it.....

Thats because everyone wants to be a soldier, kill people, bomb shit and go on a tank rampage. Just like everyone who plays gta:sa wants to be a gangster, kill crack ho's, beat up cops, rob houses, kill people, bomb shit, drive lawn mowers and go on a tank rampage.
S0m30n3 said:
As soon as master p gets his spinners on his no limit tank it will be. He's on his way.

haha funny shit right there, in muh sig lol

spinners on a tank, i would kill to see that not really, but i'd pay ;)
well knowing black people........they would do some stuff like that. I saw this one epsiode of cribs where they put little tvs in some guys body kit.....WHY GOD WHY !
Thats because everyone wants to be a soldier, kill people, bomb shit and go on a tank rampage. Just like everyone who plays gta:sa wants to be a gangster, kill crack ho's, beat up cops, rob houses, kill people, bomb shit, drive lawn mowers and go on a tank rampage.

Good point. I would love to go on a tank rampage. I remeber this one time on worlds wild police video where some drunk go into a tank and drive around town. That looked soooo fun
Ron1jed said:
well knowing black people........they would do some stuff like that. I saw this one epsiode of cribs where they put little tvs in some guys body kit.....WHY GOD WHY !
Thats because everyone wants to be a soldier, kill people, bomb shit and go on a tank rampage. Just like everyone who plays gta:sa wants to be a gangster, kill crack ho's, beat up cops, rob houses, kill people, bomb shit, drive lawn mowers and go on a tank rampage.

Good point. I would love to go on a tank rampage. I remeber this one time on worlds wild police video where some drunk go into a tank and drive around town. That looked soooo fun

Yeah because blacks are the only ones to put tv's anywhere on there car.

Im sure it was fun until he got stuck then shot and killed.
S0m30n3 said:
Yeah because blacks are the only ones to put tv's anywhere on there car.

no i've seen whites and mexicans with them. on cribs, everyone has tvs in cars and lots of subs and nice rims
Alright, Alright I live in Virginia Beach but am very close to Norfolk. Seriously all this stuff about getting stabbed for not having money and while in school sounds like garbage and most of the time when a person says "Oh, getting shot at running down the street ISN'T A GAME where I live" is talking out of there ass. So what if you got drugs so does everybody else please nitrous and ron stop trolling if you wanna do that go to ebaumsworld or at least post this in the bullcrap thread. :mad:
Ron1jed said:
I'm just real real lazy and don't care........

That's our mindset towards your posts then :)

You can't believe 12 year olds play the game? So blame Rockstar right? BLAME THE PARENTS WHO LET THEM PLAY IT!!! It's not Rockstar's fault that America has shitty parents who let their kids play games they shouldn't be, and like posted before me, crime rates among kiddies has been the lowest in 25 years.

There is nothing wrong with the game, it's not supposed to accurately portray anyone's life, IT IS A GAME.
rcf1987 said:
Alright, Alright I live in Virginia Beach but am very close to Norfolk. Seriously all this stuff about getting stabbed for not having money and while in school sounds like garbage and most of the time when a person says "Oh, getting shot at running down the street ISN'T A GAME where I live" is talking out of there ass. So what if you got drugs so does everybody else please nitrous and ron stop trolling if you wanna do that go to ebaumsworld or at least post this in the bullcrap thread. :mad:

you think thats garbage? man, come to chicago for a day, then we'll see whos bullshitting. um, obviously you haven't been to any ghettos as i doubt virginia even has graffiti, and yeah, people DO get stabbed in the public high school a few blocks away from me, your just not used to it so of course you wouldn't believe me. but i dont care cuz i know its all true. go back to your suburban home in boring...virginia?
The amount of cursing in GTA:SA is too much for me. I don't mind headshooting gang members though, so maybe my priorities are a bit off.
I guess it's because the violence is fake, but there's no such thing as fake cursing.
I would but I can't read........

You can't believe 12 year olds play the game? So blame Rockstar right? BLAME THE PARENTS WHO LET THEM PLAY IT!!! It's not Rockstar's fault that America has shitty parents who let their kids play games they shouldn't be, and like posted before me, crime rates among kiddies has been the lowest in 25 years.

See now thats just dumb. Blame the parents? Listen kids are gonna find a way to play the game. Go to a friends house. Or just barrows a friends copy of the game. Anyone who has kids knows when you tell a kid not to do something it makes them want to do it that much more.
So your all saying kids should play this game??? Thats kinda sick, 18+ for sure in my opinion, i would'nt want my little brother (11 years old) playing this ugh

Edit* of all places to find grammar nazi's....a videogame forum lol wtf
umm, i dont know about you all, but to me, GTA:SA was just a 3d version of the gang filled GTA 2 for psx.