GT4 & Logitech racing wheel PRO = Better driver?


Sep 26, 2004
Does using the Driving force pro along with GT4 make you a better driver for real life situations? I am still trying to find the reasons why buying the setup was such a good idea for my wife. I am at work right now and the packages just arrived so I will be able to play when I get home. I am psyiked :D :D :D
I personally find driving in GT4 to be much harder with the wheel than with the control pad; I'm trying to do the license tests that I couldn't get gold in with the controller, with the wheel, and my times are consistently 2 seconds behind the times I got with the controller.

I attribute it to:

a) lack of practice with a wheel
b) tiny wheel size
c) lack of a good, solid surface to put the wheel on (stupid card table keeps sliding around)
Well I just got done with a "Get-down" session, and let me say that I am very impressed. My wife even got behind the wheel and started to drive the slower cars and had tons of fun. The wheel is what really makes this game soo much fun like your at the arcades (remember thoose :D ).
Everyone should go out and buy a wheel :D
I want one so bad, it so damn expensive right now....

anyone know of any offers on it? (other than the $20 rebate)
The wheel beats using a gampad anyday. The difference is almost like night and day. Sure the Dual Shock controllers are pressure sensitive, but you'll never get the feeling of cars reacting to the slightest touch of the gas pedal. The 900 degree steering feature is awesome too, it gives you more control when going around corners. I used to loathe wheels because they only did 180. Rubber grip feels nice too :)

As for a suitable object to hook the wheel to, I'd say use your computer desk and hook your PS2 to the monitor.
I definately enjoy the wheel lots more than the control pad, and I think that it 'makes me a better driver' as well... you just can't get the variability and smoothness with the standard controller. I have mine attached to my iron desk and I'm using my Dell 2001FP's S-vid port... so fun!

Fry's had a deal to get the Force Pro and GT4 together for $149 after $20 rebate... that did it for me! I've never enjoyed a driving game so much!

The *only* complaints that I have about the wheel are :

- The shift paddles turn with the I'm constantly switching between them and the shift knob, depending on what is faster reach
- 900 degrees is almost TOO much, and the 'force feedback' can complicate things such as trying to whip the wheel back the other direction real quick...
- The wheel IS a little on the small side! I haven't disassembled the wheel hub yet, but it almost looks like the wheel could be upgraded... if logitech comes out with a larger wheel for $30, I'd probably go for it.

Anyway... except for the whole lack of motion thing, GT4 is does a great job of simulating how a car handles, and the wheel makes it all that much more real. One day I might share with the wife so she can learn some manuevers!
Any decent wheel will make a driving game much easier.

Most gaming wheels are a bit small though, and 900 degrees is complete overkill, half that movement range would be plenty.
I don't know why people are complaining about the 900 degree rotation, its exactly like a real car. It really does add to the realizm with the full range of motion.
Isaacav2 said:
Does using the Driving force pro along with GT4 make you a better driver for real life situations?

No. The physics, while pretty good, aren't that realistic, especially with the traction control on. Although with an HDTV it's pretty good for teaching you to look ahead.

But it is all kinds more fun with the wheel :D
Isaacav2 said:
I don't know why people are complaining about the 900 degree rotation, its exactly like a real car. It really does add to the realizm with the full range of motion.

Well I don't know that it's much of a complaint by most, but it is a lot of motion range and it makes certain limitations in force feedback as it exists today more noticable imo. Not sure how to explain better, just my opinion.
it will take a while to get used to the wheel, but you will become faster with practice. I find it akward when I need to do hand-over-hand on a steering wheel. I usually set the movement range such that I can go lock-to-lock in about 360 degrees. Then with hands at 9 and 3, you should be able to cross over your arms and never take your hands off the wheel.