GSAT: The Geek Social Aptitude Test

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Dec 31, 1969
Are you a geek? Well, there is one way to find out and that is to take The Geek Social Aptitude Test. Answer 50 questions, tally up your points and let everyone know your score in the comments section.

Taking the test is simple. There are 50 statements. Mark down one point for yourself for every one that applies to you. At the end, score yourself. We can't solve your problems, but at least we can help you figure out just how bad your problems are.
Yep, I scored a 10 aswell. Kinda relieved actually, some of those things are just plain sad.
I was expecting like 20-30 when I read this post but I only got 7 on that. I agree, some of the questions are just plain sad.

And does it make me extra geeky if I calculated this in excel?

I'd be more worried that you needed excel to count up to 13. :p But of course it is extra geeky.

I scored a 3. Sue me for having a social life outside of computers/ technology. :p
16.. I do consider that to be pretty low considering I have the social aptitude and general likeability of a pet rock.
I scored 10. I truly fear what my brother's score is. He tends to outdo me on every one of these types of exams.
Most of the questions were based on the derogatory stereotypical views of the non-geek or non-nerd looking into the geek/nerd culture. It was a poor attempt at humor, especially when a lot of today's geek's have decent enough of a job to be able to not live with the parents.

I scored an 8, btw.
I'm 22 but not over it but I'll count it anyways. I'm getting a bachelor in computer engineering in 4 months. Anyways, I scored a 3.

2, 8, 24
Reminds me of GOAT from Fallout 3. :p

I got 21

"Most of your friends are from the internet, and the only time you see them is when you drive six hours to a meetup or convention. You find it much easier to communicate with people on the internet rather than in face-to-face settings, and you never really feel comfortable in social situations. But you're a god in some sphere, be it World of Warcraft, Second Life, some message board or a "scene."

This is true.
I got a 10, but I turn 22 in a week or so and will have to move in with the rents for a bit after I graduate.

Either way, I expected to score a lot worse. =X I guess I don't play enough mmorpg's
I got a 12. I really was thinking in the lines of 30-40 but guess not. Thank god...
That's too funny 19 and a few years back I would of scored higher and that result would of been accurate too...scary.
I got this 12. I have a medical problem that makes me sweat a lot, how THE FUCK does that make you geeky? I sweat from my hands, armpits.

Counted that I got a 5, those questions are sad .
I got 19... thought it would be higher... but in light of the other lower scores... maybe I am too geeky... I know my wife thinks so :)

The one that made me laugh th most was have you made a member of the opposite sex watch you play a video for more then an hour? Sadly, I have made my wife watch me play.

Honey! Come here and check this it out... it is soooo cool.


And why was that exciting? I just don't get it.

I scored a 6. If I scored over a 10 I would have jumped out of the fucking window.
13 points for me
You wear a "Can't sleep, clowns will eat me" shirt you bought at Hot Topic, but you rarely have trouble gathering a crew to play Left 4 Dead at your place. Sure, you might not have been prom king, but you've found your niche and similar people to you and you're making it work for yourself. You can't really argue with that.
#19 would be sad.
Wtf at #30.
#42 is petty.
#46 is actually a failure. Anyone with significant pr0n would have it on their RAID array or other form of multi-disk storage.

With that said, I only got 6. I am guilty of #27. Apparently taking iaido makes me more of a geek.
I scored a 5. Then I added +1 for taking the test and then +1 more for actually posting my score here. So about a 7.
9. I even counted things that no longer apply, such as the pony tail. O well, I guess I need to try harder :D