Gruesome Simulated Murder found in GTA:SA!!!

It's almost as though politicians don't even realize how utterly fucked up it is to have more of a problem with sex than with violence. How the hell did that happen?
finalgt said:
It's almost as though politicians don't even realize how utterly fucked up it is to have more of a problem with sex than with violence. How the hell did that happen?
They have their pockets lined by Hollywood where violence is OK. There's a lot more violence than sex in movies.
This all boils down to parents failing to/not wanting to accept parental responsibilities. Hillary thinks she's parents a favor but instead she's just helping shitty parents pass the buck and making allready bad parents worse.

Sweet job Hillary...
I am getting quite sick of America, we used to be the land of the free now we are becoming the land of whoever has more money to corupt our poloitians and have the goverment keep interfering with our lives.

Looks like I am gona have to move to Sweden where everyone is open about sexuality. :p
acascianelli said:
This all boils down to parents failing to/not wanting to accept parental responsibilities. Hillary thinks she's parents a favor but instead she's just helping shitty parents pass the buck and making allready bad parents worse.

Sweet job Hillary...

It's about time someone mentioned this. I'm so incredibly tired of politicians trying to be the parents of kids across the country. When I have kids, I'm not going to expect the government to do things that I as a parent should do. It's the parents' responsibility to monitor what their kids do and make sure they're doing the right things. And no parent in their right mind should let a youngster play such violent games.

Now, I should also say that I'm stronly in favor of restrictions on the sale of M- and AO-rated titles. I think that the store and the clerk should be fined if they sell to minors. But I'm of that mind simply because parents aren't always going to be able to do everything--and this will simply introduce a good roadblock to prevent children from stepping outside of their parents' purview.
It's great that they have ratings and I'm underaged but kmy parents always let me play M games cause I loved the shooting games because I used to want to be in the special ops so badly for 10 years. Then I realized that a military life was not what I wanted. I want to preach and do engineering. But I sure do love those FPSs and anything with blowin stuff up. Did I mention I started playing Resident Evil when I was like 6-7? I used to play army with toy guns liek everyday of my life when I was young. I'm 16 now and I have no motivation to go on a killing spree.

Now why would I be this way? My parents told me a few things and watched the games I played and asked why I wanted to play them. They told me not to point my toy guns at people. If you do you can get desensitized to what's real and fake.My grandpa even gave me some of his kives he had for years when I was 8. I never hurt myself or anybody else....

My parents let me keep them but I had a spot in my room for them where my friends couldn't get to them. I knew they were not toys. They are dangerous. I never played around with them. I just looked at them.

The whole point is you should not hide violence and guns and knives for children. Instead you should get involved and teach them what they are for...DEFENSE....and teach them safety and ask lots of questions and stay involved in their lives.

Now on the topic of sex. If yooung children get their idea of sex twisted they are going to end up having sex before marriage and be in pr0n.

That's not good. I used to be addicted to porn at my's really crazy...and it happens to many males. I however didn't know about porn until 13...then I went pycho on it.

Anyways we need to teach the youth a few things:
1.weapons safety
2. give them a sense we aren't hiding life from them
3. get involved in thier lives
4. ask them about stuff like "why do you like this game?" I did say sometimes it was fun to blow stuff up but I had a reason. You can't do that in reality...but in a video game you can do anything. Don't let video games become your reality.
5. give them some respect for crying out loud. They are human too. They will understand most concepts to a point. THe sooner you teach them the faster their mind will mature and they will gain more inteligence.
Does everyone realize the issue is bigger than simulated sex? Holy freakin cow.

It's about a game company sneaking in code into a game and not fully disclosing what is in the game to give a proper rating then allowing parents to make a full descision. Frankly I think the game should have gotten a full AO rating anyway.
Netrat33 said:
Does everyone realize the issue is bigger than simulated sex? Holy freakin cow.

Apparently not. All the discussion is completely pointless. Having sex in a video game is not illegal. Sneeking sexual content into a game so that you can have a more child friendly rating is. Lay off Hilary. This isn't hypoctrical on her part, it's illegal on the developers part.
But the code wasn't activated in the first place. You had to use a 3rd party app to get it to work. Therefore I don't believe they are responsible. Can we hold the children responsible for getting the app knowing what it does? Comeon the children actually caused it.
pigpen said:
Sneeking sexual content into a game so that you can have a more child friendly rating is.

No, it's not.

The ESRB isn't a government agency; it's an arm of an industry organization. Any legal powers it has come from civil law, not criminal. Hence, they have no say over what is or is not illegal - only whether a company's conduct violates their agreement with that company. So the question is, did Rockstar violate their agreement with the ESRB by leaving the content in the game and merely making it inaccessible?

Anyway, I can't figure out why San Andreas, even with the sex scenes, deserves an AO rating. I've seen plenty of R-rated movies with sex in them. Look at Boogie Nights - sex, drugs, and violence, and still an R rating. Is San Andreas really that much worse than Boogie Nights?

The ratings should more closely map to the sort of content permitted in movies (M=R, T=PG-13, etc.) and parents should start treating the ratings the way they would those on movies. Hell, my uncle lets his ten-year-old play play Vice City - he knows what's in the game, he just doesn't care whether or not it's appropriate for his kid. Seriously, what reason is there for a parent to know what kind of content is in that game and still let their child have it? What defense do they have for their action (or inaction)?
But it's not actually accessible without end-user modification. I certainly hope the government doesn't begin legislating game mods. While it appears at this point that there was actually code in the game that only had to be "liberated" in order to access these scenes, I'm not sure if the developer can be held responsible for the fact that, short of actual active modification beyond the realm of the game's intended use and gameplay (an action or series of actions only possible on the PC version of the multiplatform game), this portion of code was literally not usable and effectively nonexistent. That is, the things that the "Hot Coffee" modification allow are not possible without this modification. I just think this entire media circus treads on some very sensitive territory, because it regards portions of the game that were effectively "deleted scenes" until somebody knowingly and intentionally accessed them.
pigpen said:
Apparently not. All the discussion is completely pointless. Having sex in a video game is not illegal. Sneeking sexual content into a game so that you can have a more child friendly rating is. Lay off Hilary. This isn't hypoctrical on her part, it's illegal on the developers part.

It's not illegal... Rockstar haven't broken any laws. The ESRB is not government regulated. Plus, you must modify the game to access the content. Most PC games with Mature ratings could be modified to show sexual content. Hillary doesn't have a fucking clue.
Kevin Lowe said:
Anyway, I can't figure out why San Andreas, even with the sex scenes, deserves an AO rating. I've seen plenty of R-rated movies with sex in them. Look at Boogie Nights - sex, drugs, and violence, and still an R rating. Is San Andreas really that much worse than Boogie Nights?

Games are not movies that's why. Violence in games are more interactive and you can make the violence level even "more" by commiting more acts of violence. And it's a more "roleplaying" aspect when playing a game as to watching a movie. Movies often are edited to avoid an X or AO rating whether it's due to sex or violence.
ray4389 said:
But the code wasn't activated in the first place. You had to use a 3rd party app to get it to work. Therefore I don't believe they are responsible. Can we hold the children responsible for getting the app knowing what it does? Comeon the children actually caused it.

Why leave it in anyway? Loop hole? That's exactly what the issue is about :rolleyes:

"Yea we have more sex and blood in this game...but we DISABLED it...we're not responsible if someone happens to unlock it"

Netrat33 said:
Why leave it in anyway? Loop hole? That's exactly what the issue is about :rolleyes:

"Yea we have more sex and blood in this game...but we DISABLED it...we're not responsible if someone someone unlocks it"

u have a point. you can spawn vehicles, why not spawn a little nookie? i have seen screen shots of the mod and i dont see any nudeness. just some hunchin. i hunched in kindergarden. geez lighten up.
MS Paint should be rated AO!

Sure, it doesn't come with any pornographic pixtures, but you can "enable them" through a simple download.

(Always going for the Reductio ad absurdum)
they should also penalize $5000 to rental companies renting it to underage kids
eloj said:
MS Paint should be rated AO!

Sure, it doesn't come with any pornographic pixtures, but you can "enable them" through a simple download.

(Always going for the Reductio ad absurdum)


You need to go and throw this in Hillary's face!
Netrat33 said:
Why leave it in anyway? Loop hole? That's exactly what the issue is about :rolleyes:

"Yea we have more sex and blood in this game...but we DISABLED it...we're not responsible if someone happens to unlock it"


While that's a valid argument, I don't know that it holds water...or if it does, your bucket has a leak in it. I don't know; it seems like Rockstar made a boneheaded decision to not completely remove the code, but I don't think that they deserve all the flack they're getting from politicians. Just seems silly.
Hillary's book "It takes a Village" has the same problem!

I went to a site and downloaded some content, printed them out, and then stapled it into the book.... Holy jamolee, that smut is 100 times worse than "hot coffee".

It's an outrage.
The government has more of a problem with intimate love making (sex) then blowing off guys heads with shotguns (violence).
Rather than say the game affects people, don't you guys think it's the other way around, there's nothing in there that's not already been happening years before the game even came out. :eek:

Ah... now i see it. They're gonna blame the game for the the rise in prostitution now right?
Sly said:
Rather than say the game affects people, don't you guys think it's the other way around, there's nothing in there that's not already been happening years before the game even came out. :eek:

Ah... now i see it. They're gonna blame the game for the the rise in prostitution now right?

Someone mentioned it earlier in the thread, but I'll state it again from my perspective. I grew up watching horror flicks (Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th) from the time I was probably 5 years old. But guess mom watched right along with me. My dad had a shotgun under his bed all the years I was growing up. They had liquor in relatively easy-to-reach cabinets.

Was I tempted? I can honestly say that I never was. I never grabbed the shotgun, got drunk, and ran off killing people. My parents barely had to tell me much, but I knew that it was wrong. Simple. My parents took a role in my upbringing and taught me right from wrong.

Why is that so hard for parents to understand these days? They want to blame everyone but themselves.
carl67lp said:
While that's a valid argument, I don't know that it holds water...or if it does, your bucket has a leak in it. I don't know; it seems like Rockstar made a boneheaded decision to not completely remove the code, but I don't think that they deserve all the flack they're getting from politicians. Just seems silly.

That's exactly what it is: A bone head decision

Companies need to learn and move on. But still have to "suffer the consquences" for doing their mistake especially for a game they know is going to be controversial and then releasing it to PC where more people like to go in and tinker with code.

I'm sure a little "leakage" happened with rockstar stirring up more controversy with this though and PC release.
Karant said:
The government has more of a problem with intimate love making (sex) then blowing off guys heads with shotguns (violence).

what are you, ignorant?

First off if you've been reading, it's more about hiding extra content in the game "no one' knew about

2: Intimate LOVE making? with hookers and GTA series? :rolleyes: It's about whores and drugs and killing

NOW with all my arguements though, dont' think I'm against the game or game violence/sex. I think companies though own a responsiblity to people who want to make their game buying descisions accordingly though.

No one had a problem watching someone get their head cut off on

so what u see a boobie or even a penis. if you dont want ur kids involved in sex and violence, DONT BUY THE GAME PERIOD!!!

even without the mods it is still a very mature game. stop blaming someone else for ur faulty parenting.
I think what people mean is that in a sane society it shouldn't matter if there's porn in the game, because it's **already known that it's very violent -- including assault and murder**, which ought to trumph any amount of virtual porn.

porn < killing

Any parent who's argument is "Now, I have no problem with a game where you're beating people up and killing them, but had I known there would be nipples... I would have NEVER bought it. Nipples? Never I tell you!"

Because that'd be quite insane.
thats whats happening. they see some booty and tetas and are going nuts but everyone likes the drive bys and the oozies
What annoys me regarding this topic is the notion that video games are for teens and kids only. I'm 40 and have been playing games since pong came out when I was 10. If I want to legally purchase a game that has violent themes and adult-only content, then that's my right. No governmental agency should dictate otherwise. I also have 3 young sons. I regulate what they can play and never play M games in their presence.

I'm politically conservative, yet I believe strongly that it is a parents responsibility to control the media their kids are exposed to. Gamers over 18 should not be penalized by overzealous politicians.

Btw- I'm a New Yorker and in NO f*ckin' way do I support Clinton and her self-serving, egotistical aspirations.
i dont see what the problem is,violence doesnt corrupt little kids my younger cousin(now 9) started playing GTA3 when it came out like 4-5years ago?(he plays SA and VC tto)hes not violent hes not into killing he sits and play gameboy and crys if your annoying him,wow real corrupt i tell you mean hes gonna get a .357 and decapitate bistanderds cause he played that game,he saw sex so now hes gonna go and rape little girls.

shut the fuck up,personally i think little kids should be able to play the games but if there parents do a proper job of handleing there kids they would never think twice about whats in the game

just a note he has 2 brothers older then him who startedplaying "CORRUPTIVE"games in a later age then him yet he gets straight A's on his tests and does his homework as soon as he gets home,wow video games are to blame for a deteriorating world arent they
It's the same bull over and over, any way to defer blame.

I really have a hard time grasping this one at all, fully clothed dry humping with polygonal characters, shit you can see worse than that on cable TV can you not?

But it's a video game so it gets a x10 corruption modifier I guess.

If a kid is able to first of all obtain the game then download and install the modification to enable this content all without the knowledge of his guardians; how is that anyones' problem? What does it prove except a lack of active parenting?

I think the whole situation is just ridiculous when the game is rated 17+ just like any R movie, it should be a non issue. But instead lets try to place blame on the game.

"it's impossible to legislate against stupidity" yet they continue to try.
And this bitch wants to run for president 2008?!

She just lost most of her votes right there. (like she is gonna have enough votes anyhow ) :rolleyes:
Welcome to 2005.. where everything is not your fault
Responsibility? That is soooo last century.
Masume said:
Welcome to 2005.. where everything is not your fault
Responsibility? That is soooo last century.

I think you hit it right on the head.
Hello I work for rockstar games and I love all this free advertising

ok I don't realy work for rockstar but thats the way I would take it...

I personaly have become sure that I will go buy a copy of this game now
ray4389 said:
It's great that they have ratings and I'm underaged but kmy parents always let me play M games cause I loved the shooting games because I used to want to be in the special ops so badly for 10 years. Then I realized that a military life was not what I wanted. I want to preach and do engineering. But I sure do love those FPSs and anything with blowin stuff up. Did I mention I started playing Resident Evil when I was like 6-7? I used to play army with toy guns liek everyday of my life when I was young. I'm 16 now and I have no motivation to go on a killing spree.

Now why would I be this way? My parents told me a few things and watched the games I played and asked why I wanted to play them. They told me not to point my toy guns at people. If you do you can get desensitized to what's real and fake.My grandpa even gave me some of his kives he had for years when I was 8. I never hurt myself or anybody else....

My parents let me keep them but I had a spot in my room for them where my friends couldn't get to them. I knew they were not toys. They are dangerous. I never played around with them. I just looked at them.

The whole point is you should not hide violence and guns and knives for children. Instead you should get involved and teach them what they are for...DEFENSE....and teach them safety and ask lots of questions and stay involved in their lives.

Now on the topic of sex. If yooung children get their idea of sex twisted they are going to end up having sex before marriage and be in pr0n.

That's not good. I used to be addicted to porn at my's really crazy...and it happens to many males. I however didn't know about porn until 13...then I went pycho on it.

Anyways we need to teach the youth a few things:
1.weapons safety
2. give them a sense we aren't hiding life from them
3. get involved in thier lives
4. ask them about stuff like "why do you like this game?" I did say sometimes it was fun to blow stuff up but I had a reason. You can't do that in reality...but in a video game you can do anything. Don't let video games become your reality.
5. give them some respect for crying out loud. They are human too. They will understand most concepts to a point. THe sooner you teach them the faster their mind will mature and they will gain more inteligence.

You're 16 and still a kid. IMO unless you're a parent, or at least 25.... you're rant on violence in video games means little.