Group Policy to allow users to remove USB Devices..


Oct 20, 2006
i have been searching around for a while, and i just cant seem to find it, even the one item i thought was it

Computer Configuration>Windows Settings>Security Settings>Local Policies>Security Options>:Devices:Allowed to format and eject removable media

only gives me the ability to select

Administrators and Power Users
Administrators and Interactive Users

but this is a domain, and i have my OUs and Groups set up with different GPOs so there really isnt such a thing as a power user or interactive user..

all i need is for regular users to be able to click "safely remove hardware" so they can eject their Flash Drives

any help? please?

Interactive Users is what you're looking for, I do believe.
If Administrators and Interactive Users is selected, then all users will be able to format and eject removable media.
thanks, i'll try that today and see if it works

all this for one client who shouldent even need a damn USB stick at his job :p
that did not work...

i tried it from a group policy, AND as a local policy just to be sure

does anyone else have any suggestions?

PLEASE :p i have a really annoying client that dosent stop bugging me about it
can you locally add him as a power user? We have a domain setup, but on new computers we always add a local admin account, and the user off the domain into the control panel -> users. Then just set them as a power user.

Then go set the Administrators and Power Users and see if it'll work?
from the domain controller there is no longer a users section in the control panel,

but perhaps you were refering to the workstation in question, logging in locally? and then adding a user with the same name as the AD username as a power user?
Sorry, should have been more specific. Yes, log onto the workstation locally as administrator, control panel -> users. Then you should get this screen:

Then add him as a power user, by searching through the domain and adding his user account.

Just follow the instructions, make sure you are searching through the domain, and not just creating another local user.
thanks :)

that worked, but in a strange way

if they doubleclick the icon, it still says not authorized

probably some policy on the system tray

but if they single click it, and then click remove it works

so i have a work around :)

thanks again