Greatest Scientific Discovery Ever

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Scientists have discovered the secret to hangover-free drinking…and just in time for the weekend! So, instead of your regular drinks tonight, have a rum and oxygen and you wont get a hangover.

The results, documented in the journal Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research, showed those who consumed the more highly oxygenated drinks recovered more quickly and saw their blood alcohol levels return to normal more speedily.
I don't think you're doing it right. ;)

Probably not. I don't drink to get drunk. Just borderline buzz and sober. Even then, I don't drink all that much. Give me coffee and tea any day.
But wouldn't oxygen be bad for you in that it would oxidize stuff in your body? Thats one of the main causes of aging.

"Here drink this. you will only be drunk half as long but it takes 4 times as much off your lifespan than regular drinking!"
But it also means you aren't drunk as long. Just another way for bars to rip you off.

That is about the same as what the article said.

The only downside the researchers found was that the process also reduced the amount of time drinkers were actually drunk for

If you drink to get drunk and stay drunk you might want to consider going to AA.
I found drinking alot of water after drinking booze does the same thing.
thats right if you drink about 1 cup of water for every beer you drank before you go to sleep, it will really help. That and also eat something.
Nobody is forcing you to drink.

That is about the same as what the article said.

If you drink to get drunk and stay drunk you might want to consider going to AA.

Not sure what any of that has to do with my comment, but imagine this:

"New hangover-free special, just $3 extra!"

(and then they sell ~30% more of them because of the faster recovery time)

I'm just looking at this pragmatically. The comments about AA and alcoholism are irrelevant.

Not myth. Dehydration is one of the main causes of hangovers. Also, by drinking lots of water, you dilute the concentration of the various other chemicals in booze that can cause hangovers, and by stimulating the kidneys, you flush out them out faster.

Trust me, I got 20 years of hangover and hangover mitigation experience.
I alternate between beers and waters if I want to be less drunk and less hungover.
If I get really hungover which is easy as hell for me then I give my self an IV the next day and have a bloody mary or make pancakes with beer in them or shots of whiskey whatever normally about two drinks then take some percocet or whatever I've got laying around and it normally fixes things up within half an hour and I'm ready to start my day.

Sounds like an interesting idea though.
agree some liquors or brands increase the chance or intensity of a hangover quite a bit or maybe it's a matter of downing the cheap shit as quick as possible.
Reminds me of this little dwarf in WoW who made my warrior drunk last night for 10 minutes...that quest sucked. :D
Probably not. I don't drink to get drunk. Just borderline buzz and sober. Even then, I don't drink all that much. Give me coffee and tea any day.

I thought I was the only one like this. Everyone else I know do nothing but binge drink.
Not myth. Dehydration is one of the main causes of hangovers. Also, by drinking lots of water, you dilute the concentration of the various other chemicals in booze that can cause hangovers, and by stimulating the kidneys, you flush out them out faster.

Trust me, I got 20 years of hangover and hangover mitigation experience.

Definitely attest to the water. Drinking coffee to get rid of hang overs is a myth

Water definitely does help with the hangovers. You may have wake up middle of the night to pay the water bill though. The best way to get rid of hangover is to just flush it out of your system by drinking fluids and eating. Cheaper the stuff you drink the more you throw up and stronger hangover you get.

I never had a hangover from drinking nice Belgium or German beer. Local brewery stuff.
Not myth. Dehydration is one of the main causes of hangovers. Also, by drinking lots of water, you dilute the concentration of the various other chemicals in booze that can cause hangovers, and by stimulating the kidneys, you flush out them out faster.

Trust me, I got 20 years of hangover and hangover mitigation experience.

This man speaks the truth. Myself and countless others never have hangovers after drinking large amounts of water. Ever been physically active on a hot day and start to get a hangover-like headache? Ya it's cuz you're dehydrated.
My dad told me when he was in the Marines, on ship when pilots would get bad hangovers they would head over to their aircraft and just breathe in oxygen for a few moments and after like 10-15 minutes hangover would be gone
Best hangover prevention I have found is to take 2 capsules of Milk Thistle before you go out and start. The shit works like magic. I read about it in Maxim a few years ago and thought it was BS, but decided to give it a try. Magic, I tells ya. Give it a try...(you can get it at any Walgreens/CVS/GNC)
Like someone else said just dirnk water. I usually drink 1 or 2 glasses before blacking out. And I have alot of trouble sleeping (wake up 2 or 3 times a night weither I am drunk or not) so I drink another glass or 2 every time I wake up.. Yeah you will have to piss like a racehorse when you wake up but you will feel like a million bucks.
Tall glass of water before passing out for the day. Vitamin B supplements BEFORE drinking also help.

Scotty does NOT approve of Synthehol!
thats right if you drink about 1 cup of water for every beer you drank before you go to sleep, it will really help. That and also eat something.

[biochem]In a nutshell,

Ethanol --> [Alcohol Dehydrogenase] --> Acetaldehyde --> [Aldehyde Dehydrogenase] --> Acetic Acid

As you might imagine, acetaldehyde (aka ethanal) is a nasty intermediate that is most likely the cause of hangovers. The liver has a limited capacity to deal with aldehydes so anything that can slow acetaldehyde production or speed up its elimination can reduce drunkeness and the potential for a hangover.

The whole process is oxidative, so readily available oxygen should speed up the oxidation of aldehyde into harmless acetate.

Alcohol is absorbed directly into the bloodstream through the stomach wall. Food has been shown to reduce the rate of absorption, so a full meal BEFORE drinking may allow the liver more time to completely address the lower concentrations of ethanol and ethanal. Being overweight also helps, as fat cells draw in some ethanol. Water consumption also reduces serum concentrations and lets you piss it out faster.

(There is a variant of Aldehyde Dehydrogenase (ALDH) common in Asian populations that slows down the elimination of acetaldehyde. Affected individuals get early and uncomfortable facial flushing and stay drunk longer so they tend not to drink at all.)

I once had an Irish postdoc who showed me how to order and drink Guinness "properly." We could put away ten pints on a weeknight and be in the lab at 9am the next morning. It was the weight gain that made me stop. I might have a drink every month or so, nowadays...
Interesting. If a person likes the taste of liquor but doesn't like the prolonged after affects this could prove useful.
Not myth. Dehydration is one of the main causes of hangovers. Also, by drinking lots of water, you dilute the concentration of the various other chemicals in booze that can cause hangovers, and by stimulating the kidneys, you flush out them out faster.

Trust me, I got 20 years of hangover and hangover mitigation experience.

Oddly enough, I've found taking some doxylamine succinate cures whatever headache I have.

Even works better than ibuprofen. (Up until the moment it kills me, anyway...)

I'm certain you're NOT supposed to use it this way, of course... But after 20+ years of always being "tired", I realized I was having headaches (cluster headaches from the sound of it...) Why doctors never diagnosed it as a headache, I don't know, although I never said my head hurt though, either...

I'd imagine DS might work for a hangover too, though I'd doubt it would be recommended by anyone...
Interesting. If a person likes the taste of liquor but doesn't like the prolonged after affects this could prove useful.

Would if you like the effects of drinking, but don't like the taste? I don't drink; everything's gasoline to me.

I have been intoxicated at least twice, though. But I have to reallly get myself in the mood for it.
Water... Water is the key to killing a hangover and preventing one..

When i used to drink hard in my party days, i try to slam 2-3 glasses of water before bed.. then when i get up at night to piss that away, Down 2-3 More glasses.. In the morning... 2-3 more..

But.. I stopped Drinking all together 6 months ago.. so its not even an issue..
Not sure what any of that has to do with my comment, but imagine this:

"New hangover-free special, just $3 extra!"

(and then they sell ~30% more of them because of the faster recovery time)

I'm just looking at this pragmatically. The comments about AA and alcoholism are irrelevant.

They aren't irrelevant at all. Ok, so you recover faster and don't get drunk as fast. By your logic and that of the article, you would notice that before you use to be shit faced drunk by 9 drinks. Now at 9 you arent' as buzzed so you now go to 15. Thus you pay for 6 more drinks per night. Or you get drunk off your ass, but now in a few hours you start to feel the buzz go away so you go back and drink again to get drunk off your ass again becuase you enjoy being drunk. Either way the bar makes more money off of you because you want to be drunk off your ass and this is making it harder for you to stay drunk. Wanting to stay drunk is a problem, not being able to stay drunk is a good thing not a bad thing.

Thus for what you and the article stated to have any standing the person you are talking about would have to a drinking problem and / or just like to be drunk. if you like to have a few drinks, but even that can give you a hangover then this is helpfull for you. If you go out with the intension every single time of getting so drunk that you can't walk to your car and have to drink till you are drunk off your ass and keep drinking to stay drunk off your ass then you have a drinking problem.

You are a alcoholic if you see not being able to stay drunk as easily or get drunk as quick as being a bad thing.

Yes the drinks might cost more to prevent that hangover. I will give you that.
But wouldn't oxygen be bad for you in that it would oxidize stuff in your body? Thats one of the main causes of aging.

"Here drink this. you will only be drunk half as long but it takes 4 times as much off your lifespan than regular drinking!"

Then stop taking in oxygen and you'll stop aging.