Great news! Wait for Bulldozzer is over!

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Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 14, 2007
According to, Sandy Bridge-E is out in late November.

Now, off course, I am hoping BD comes out before that, but why get a BD without waiting to see what SB-E will do!

Yes, this is a crazy game, but AMD might have just waited too long?

Hell $500, 6-Core unlocked Sandy Bridge-E CPU.

Wait for BD is over. I am now waiting for Intel Core i7-3930K!
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Of course AMD waited too long. Still, you cant compare a 200-300 dollar BD to a $500 SB-E.
yea I'm looking forward to another $300 motherboard, memory manufacturers gouging for quad channel (read 2 2 channel kits) memory, and a$500 cpu, looks like the minimum investment will be close to $1000.

Bd on the other hand $300cpu,$120mobo,$80Ram, under $500. Not really comparable.
The wait is not over until it actually comes out. :D

What I am trying to say is, that the wait has changed from BD to something else.

Oh yeah...Dont like a $500 cpu. There is a $300 SKU I think.

Honestly, the only winners here are the owners of the 2x00K SB CPUs. They been having a great CPU for a while.

Folks, dont get me wrong. I want BD, I want it NOW, I want it BAD! It is just hard to keep a hard on for that long! But I am still trying.
yea I'm looking forward to another $300 motherboard, memory manufacturers gouging for quad channel (read 2 2 channel kits) memory, and a$500 cpu, looks like the minimum investment will be close to $1000.

Bd on the other hand $300cpu,$120mobo,$80Ram, under $500. Not really comparable.
why would you buy overpriced ram just because its a quad channel kit? you said it yourself, buy 2 2channel kits. Its not even like triple channel where its an odd vs even number

$300 mobos will be the major downside but enthusiast mobos for BD will be in the 200-300$ range in all likelihood. Yea, SB-E will be in another price ballpark, but it will also be in another performance ballpark. I agree though, the comparison needs to be BD vs 2600k
why would you buy overpriced ram just because its a quad channel kit? you said it yourself, buy 2 2channel kits. Its not even like triple channel where its an odd vs even number

$300 mobos will be the major downside but enthusiast mobos for BD will be in the 200-300$ range in all likelihood. Yea, SB-E will be in another price ballpark, but it will also be in another performance ballpark. I agree though, the comparison needs to be BD vs 2600k

even if you buy 2 4GB kits, it's still $900~ vs $500~.

Yep, I got a p6t, then a p6x58, I feel the pain, no more though, depending on BD performance, I'm either going to drop a 970 into this mobo, or sell it off and go BD.
I think you're just an Intel troll or fanboy. Extremely misleading title, making it seem like Bulldozer has been released, but actually is an Intel promotion thread.
I've considered the Sandy-E route but, after seeing some initial numbers regarding the entry fee and power consumption numbers...not my cup of Joe.
I think the real winners are people who originally invested in the X58 platforms with a nice OCing 920s. How long has the Bloomfield platform been on top of the heap? Talk about a long term investment in tech!
I just upgraded to a i7-950 last year (OC 4Ghz), and I've yet to do anything where I thought my system was slow. I know the day will come, but I don't see that happening anytime soon.
I still don't see any reason to upgrade from my 920. I can overclock it to 4ghz on an H50, though I don't do enough cpu intensive tasks to warrant any OC at all for the time being. I don't plan on upgrading when SB-E hits the market, I may even pass on the next round after that. There just isn't any software *that I use* that taxes my cpu beyond ~40% load, and other than room temp I can't feel the difference between 2.6ghz and 4ghz. IF I were building a new system I'd probably go BD or SB though, since I really think my old C2Q 6600 is still a viable cpu, mobo tech is the only thing that's going to drive me to upgrade. USB3.0 and sataIII are the only interesting developments, but neither offer a compelling reason to spend money yet. That will change, the only question is when.
I think you're just an Intel troll or fanboy. Extremely misleading title, making it seem like Bulldozer has been released, but actually is an Intel promotion thread.

i thought the same thing, until i started reading the thread.
was expecting there were some server chip benches 'inside' or something.
very misleading...
If 500$ SB-E is 50% faster than 300$ BD, even if the Intel motherboard is more expensive my calculations could end with comparing a 1500$ system to a 1250$ system, 20% more cost for 50% more performance is a good deal (more so since I fold and have 4x4gb 2133 ram saved up :) )
I think you're just an Intel troll or fanboy. Extremely misleading title, making it seem like Bulldozer has been released, but actually is an Intel promotion thread.

I'm inclined to say he's 14 and his daddy baught him an i5 and he wanted to troll.
No offense, well maybe some.

But this has:

1. No place in the AMD forum.
2. This is an absolute waste of thread space in the AMD forum.

and lastly you mislead people into reading this dumb thread by making it sound like you had some really good news about BD.

I hope this thread gets locked.
What I am trying to say is, that the wait has changed from BD to something else.

Oh yeah...Dont like a $500 cpu. There is a $300 SKU I think.

Honestly, the only winners here are the owners of the 2x00K SB CPUs. They been having a great CPU for a while.

Folks, dont get me wrong. I want BD, I want it NOW, I want it BAD! It is just hard to keep a hard on for that long! But I am still trying.

the only thing you are trying to say is that you are trolling the AMD sub forum when you should be trolling the intel sub forum..

But seriously, I'm sitting on a very nice z68 board + 2600k and I was deffinetely trying to wait out BD. And now with SB-E, I have an option of dumping my 2600k and snagginga hex for ~$250 more if I so choose. So yes, one way or another, the wait for BD is over for a large portion of us.

But seriously, I'm sitting on a very nice z68 board + 2600k and I was deffinetely trying to wait out BD. And now with SB-E, I have an option of dumping my 2600k and snagginga hex for ~$250 more if I so choose. So yes, one way or another, the wait for BD is over for a large portion of us.

don't forget you will have to replace the board as well. so tack on another 300+ to that cost difference.
Wrong section. The original post is just retarded fanboyism. And this is coming from a 2500k/i-750 owner.
don't forget you will have to replace the board as well. so tack on another 300+ to that cost difference.

true but they are making Ivy for the z68 boards. All I need to do is update my bios.
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