Great card for MCE 2005 and Photoshop?

Someone else might be able to chime in here, but I think HP's have proprietary parts, so you might not be able to swap that out except with another HP power supply. You have to check on that one.
Just want to say thanks to everyone on this thread. I finally purchased a evga 6800GS 256mb PCIe, and i did have to upgrade my PSU. Went with a Fortran 400W and works like a charm. I wasn't sure the HP would be able to take the new PSU but it was not a problem at all.

I have noticed this card is a lot louder than my old one. So now I'm looking for a good silencer for it. As everyone was so helpful before, I'm hoping someone can offer some assistance in this area also.

Lol. Yeah those things are loud. I'm still trying to track down the cause of fan noise in my HTPC, even though I picked out all fans in anticipation of silence, but I'm so lazy to take everything apart haha.

You are not oc'ing correct?
That one I use, and it's damn near silent when used with the 5v resistor or whatever it's called. Very nice and quiet, and cooling is very good as well.

This one I think should most definitely fit, but there is a chance it won't since it's not listed.
You're correct no OC'ing (didn't know I could, or for that matter how to).

What's the difference between the two (besides price)?

Just preference, I think. The zalman supposedly cools better, that seems to be the consensus. Go with the arctic cooler, but double check it fits the 6800GS.
Picked up a Zalman silencer and have it set on "silent" mode (5v instead of 12v). It's very very quiet!! Thanks for the tips and recommendation!