Graphic intensive games

Originally posted by BossCo
And to the guy who started this thread

I've read the whole thread man and so far all you seem to be doing is "asking" other people - would that game stress my "monster" set up? But would that rig stress my set up? But would that really stress my set up........

Some of the posts there before the little flame fest were quite right - you mention your rig in just about every reply you posted prior to the flame. Its a nice set up man but it ain't the fastest damn thing in the world and you come across as a little kid with a new toy - wanting to get people to look at you in awe cause you have this shiny new PC that you think is the best thing around.

How about this - instead of asking - go and play the stupid games with everything cranked and don't go around looking for compliments from everyone else about how mighty powerful your newly built PC is.

Trust all these ppl that have said that all of those mentioned games WOULD stress your system to the max. There is no way you can play LOMAC with AA and AF on max and all the effects in-game on max at 1600X1200. Not even you your "monster".

Its just annoying seeing people who constantly seek approval and acknowledgement from others about how good their rig is. Seriously...........however good it is man there's always someone out there with a faster one. Guaranteed.

I can see how people thought u were a 14 year old or whatever........but u're 17 so I suppose its still the same. Just relax kid and go play some of your games that will stress you rig which u can't believe will be stressed to the max.

Seriously useless thread............funny at times though.

Sorry - just had to get this off my chest.

Amen dude, I couldn't have said it better.
Originally posted by BossCo
And to the guy who started this thread

I've read the whole thread man and so far all you seem to be doing is "asking" other people - would that game stress my "monster" set up? But would that rig stress my set up? But would that really stress my set up........

Some of the posts there before the little flame fest were quite right - you mention your rig in just about every reply you posted prior to the flame. Its a nice set up man but it ain't the fastest damn thing in the world and you come across as a little kid with a new toy - wanting to get people to look at you in awe cause you have this shiny new PC that you think is the best thing around.

How about this - instead of asking - go and play the stupid games with everything cranked and don't go around looking for compliments from everyone else about how mighty powerful your newly built PC is.

Trust all these ppl that have said that all of those mentioned games WOULD stress your system to the max. There is no way you can play LOMAC with AA and AF on max and all the effects in-game on max at 1600X1200. Not even you your "monster".

Its just annoying seeing people who constantly seek approval and acknowledgement from others about how good their rig is. Seriously...........however good it is man there's always someone out there with a faster one. Guaranteed.

I can see how people thought u were a 14 year old or whatever........but u're 17 so I suppose its still the same. Just relax kid and go play some of your games that will stress you rig which u can't believe will be stressed to the max.

Seriously useless thread............funny at times though.

Sorry - just had to get this off my chest.

Hey Newbie lay off him. Haven't we all wanted someone to look at our machines so they can "ew and aww" over them? Answer the guys question of which games you might think will give his rig a work out and move on. Or go and post more so people won't call you a noob. :rolleyes:

To the guy that started this thread. Nice system; I know it feels good to have someone tell you that after you did all the research on your machine and then put it together with your hard earned money. Don't listen to some these !!!!! in here.

Some of the games out right now won't really stress your system due to being "hogs" but rather because their code sucks. Take Dues EX: Invisable War for example. Runs like ass on my machine but not because my rig can't handle it but because the game was put together for shit.

Download the Far Cry Demo; sweet graphics and it will give your machine a fairly good workout. A few bugs though so you might want to read up on it.

Good luck.
Originally posted by [BB] The Pirate
Hey Newbie lay off him. Haven't we all wanted someone to look at our machines so they can "ew and aww" over them? Answer the guys question of which games you might think will give his rig a work out and move on. Or go and post more so people won't call you a noob. :rolleyes:

To the guy that started this thread. Nice system; I know it feels good to have someone tell you that after you did all the research on your machine and then put it together with your hard earned money. Don't listen to some these !!!!! in here.

Some of the games out right now won't really stress your system due to being "hogs" but rather because their code sucks. Take Dues EX: Invisable War for example. Runs like ass on my machine but not because my rig can't handle it but because the game was put together for shit.

Download the Far Cry Demo; sweet graphics and it will give your machine a fairly good workout. A few bugs though so you might want to read up on it.

Good luck.

It´s easy to be humble with your sig LOL :D
Originally posted by oqvist
It´s easy to be humble with your sig LOL :D

LOL:D Still no need to flame a guy just for asking an innocent question; even if he was braggin a bit about his rig.
Originally posted by [BB] The Pirate
LOL:D Still no need to flame a guy just for asking an innocent question; even if he was braggin a bit about his rig.

No but we can start flaming you because of envy. But I wouldn´t want to pay for your system. I would have to rob a bank for that.

But why on earth do you only got 2x256 mb of RAM??? You aren´t into gaming or what?
Originally posted by oqvist
No but we can start flaming you because of envy. But I wouldn´t want to pay for your system. I would have to rob a bank for that.

But why on earth do you only got 2x256 mb of RAM??? You aren´t into gaming or what?

Since when isn't 512 of ram enough for gaming? Yes I'm into gaming. Name 1 game out right now that's worth playing that requires more then 512 of ram to play with all settings maxed out? I have yet to find on that even makes my system sweat.;)

I've had 1 gig of ram before and there really are not many bennifits to having 1 gig over 512; especially on a system that doesn't utilize dual data like mine.;)
Originally posted by [BB] The Pirate
Since when isn't 512 of ram enough for gaming? Yes I'm into gaming. Name 1 game out right now that's worth playing that requires more then 512 of ram to play with all settings maxed out? I have yet to find on that even makes my system sweat.;)

I've had 1 gig of ram before and there really are not many bennifits to having 1 gig over 512; especially on a system that doesn't utilize dual data like mine.;)

IL 2 FB uses roughly 750 Mb of RAM in normal use.

LOMAC I would assume more than that.

And believe me there will be other. Flight sims are very memory hungry by nature I would bet FS 2004 would feel good with 1 gig also ;)

The sweetspot today is really 768 mb of RAM.
Originally posted by [BB] The Pirate
Hey Newbie lay off him. Haven't we all wanted someone to look at our machines so they can "ew and aww" over them? Answer the guys question of which games you might think will give his rig a work out and move on. Or go and post more so people won't call you a noob. :rolleyes:

HEheheh - well MR I have 440 Posts hence I'm not a noob - this may come as a total surprise to you but some of us don't want approval or ego pumping from the rest of the world about our rigs cause we know what kind of a system we have and don't need anyone else to tell us that we worked hard to assemble it or that we've done a great job in choice of parts. Seriously - a whole thread just to pump some 'noobs' ego.

Having more posts doesn't make u any better than me (especially ignorant one like this one).
The reason I ended up posting in this guy's thread was because he wasn't simply asking an INNOCENT Q like you claim - after reading through his thread I realised that his thread topic had NOTHING to do with what he was posting.

He was on a quest to get people to stroke his cock about how mighty powerful his rig is - I say this because if u've read his post u'd realise the same thing too. Ppl were suggesting diff games to him and all he kept on saying was - yeah but on my rig!! seriously I dont' think that would stress my beast of a rig!!! My rig can handle it I'm sure. Those were his replies to every single recommendation from other ppl. So u must either be totally like him or are just plain blind.

Maybe I don't have so many posts cause I choose not to post utter crap like yourself. There is nothing more useless than ppl coming to public threads and wanting other ppl to tell them how good their rigs are.

If u're not a NOOB you should know how capable your system is and you should also know what games might test it to the max. That's if u have ANY idea about what you have in terms of hardware and what sort of software pushes that hardware to the max.

So, please get on with the job of getting that post count of yours up so that you can stand above all others who have posted less.

Cheers buddy, and go stroke the guys cock some more about how wonderful both of your systems are. LOL Idiot
Originally posted by BossCo
Originally posted by [BB] The Pirate
Hey Newbie lay off him. Haven't we all wanted someone to look at our machines so they can "ew and aww" over them? Answer the guys question of which games you might think will give his rig a work out and move on. Or go and post more so people won't call you a noob. :rolleyes:

HEheheh - well MR I have 440 Posts hence I'm not a noob - this may come as a total surprise to you but some of us don't want approval or ego pumping from the rest of the world about our rigs cause we know what kind of a system we have and don't need anyone else to tell us that we worked hard to assemble it or that we've done a great job in choice of parts. Seriously - a whole thread just to pump some 'noobs' ego.

Having more posts doesn't make u any better than me (especially ignorant one like this one).
The reason I ended up posting in this guy's thread was because he wasn't simply asking an INNOCENT Q like you claim - after reading through his thread I realised that his thread topic had NOTHING to do with what he was posting.

He was on a quest to get people to stroke his cock about how mighty powerful his rig is - I say this because if u've read his post u'd realise the same thing too. Ppl were suggesting diff games to him and all he kept on saying was - yeah but on my rig!! seriously I dont' think that would stress my beast of a rig!!! My rig can handle it I'm sure. Those were his replies to every single recommendation from other ppl. So u must either be totally like him or are just plain blind.

Maybe I don't have so many posts cause I choose not to post utter crap like yourself. There is nothing more useless than ppl coming to public threads and wanting other ppl to tell them how good their rigs are.

If u're not a NOOB you should know how capable your system is and you should also know what games might test it to the max. That's if u have ANY idea about what you have in terms of hardware and what sort of software pushes that hardware to the max.

So, please get on with the job of getting that post count of yours up so that you can stand above all others who have posted less.

Cheers buddy, and go stroke the guys cock some more about how wonderful both of your systems are. LOL Idiot


So are you saying it’s wrong to come into a pubic chat and post threads about your system? Is it not his right as a citizen of this great country and a member of these forums to be able to come into a public chat and boast a little bit about his system? Just because it isn’t the greatest system in the world doesn’t mean that he can’t be proud of it.

Cheers buddy, and go stroke the guys cock some more about how wonderful both of your systems are. LOL Idiot

Polished buddy… polished. What did I say in my reply to you that deserved the reply you gave me? It was a joke; is that illegal in these forums as well? If you don’t like what people post then don’t read it or reply to it. All I was saying is that there is no need to flame the guy just because he is proud of what he has built. If you posted a thread on how great you thought your PC was and how proud you were “I’d stroke you’re cock for you a little bit as well.”

BossCo you’re the type of guy that I’d love to see put into a circular room and just watched for a while.

BTW if you weren't a fucking noob you'd know how to quote someone properly in the forums. ;)