Graphic intensive games


Jul 2, 2003
Looking for a good game to get to stress my radeon 9800 pro to the max............ haven't installed it yet but gonna want to take ful advantage of it. I was thinking call of duty, what do u all think?
Originally posted by corrosive23
thats not a game cheeze. try the farcry demo. its choppy at 1600x1200 on my 9700 pro

No Far Cry isn´t demanding at all. Try LOMAC.
look at my sig, with those pieces of hardware, what games would be demanding on that beast? can get the appearance of a demanding game by just playing a couple ported games likehalo or Deus ex 2.....:)
Originally posted by corrosive23
thats not a game cheeze. try the farcry demo. its choppy at 1600x1200 on my 9700 pro

Umm, I know, dude.... Yeah, it's not a game, but a good way to push your card and see how it performs. Call of Duty is just a biffed up Quake 3 engine, which is not using a lot on the newest technology out there.
Originally posted by devo5676
look at my sig, with those pieces of hardware, what games would be demanding on that beast?

You can´t go nowhere near max settings in LOMAC with that setup ;)

Look at my sig. I hardly play at medium settings ;)
yea its a sweet setup but i think there is a problem cuz it randomly restarts and it doesn't load games too well, like instalation
Originally posted by NowhereMan
Umm, I know, dude.... Yeah, it's not a game, but a good way to push your card and see how it performs. Call of Duty is just a biffed up Quake 3 engine, which is not using a lot on the newest technology out there.

You hit it on the head with the comment about COD. That game looks great, runs great, and is a blast to play. Which makes me think why do we need such high end graphics cards?
Originally posted by Jrmicon
You hit it on the head with the comment about COD. That game looks great, runs great, and is a blast to play. Which makes me think why do we need such high end graphics cards?

Because COD looks great FOR USING THE QUAKE 3 engine!! It´s in no way competitive with the games out there using the Unreal Warfare engine or others. That is also why it´s so light on your system.

Video cards don´t enhance gameplay directly. It only allows you to get more immersed in the game by providing gorgeous graphics and also higher performance. Imagine playing COD at 10 fps.

How fun would that be? People may say that gameplay is all that matters but what about DOOM and Unreal. Do you think those games have been so successful if it wasn´t for their graphics engine?

Nah Quake 3 engine is dead according to me. It just can´t hack it anymore.

But as of today there is no more hardware intensive game as LOMAC. Believe me if you play it you wouldn´t believe what a system it demands to run that at high settings. The fact is I don´t think there exist a system out there except super computers that can max out every setting in LOMAC as well as running 1600x1200 at 85 hertz with fps steadily over 30.
Originally posted by oqvist
Nah Quake 3 engine is dead according to me. It just can´t hack it anymore.

Maybe... only COD won Game of the Year just about everywhere. I think that although it's old, it still hacks it just fine. There are a lot of games out there with new engines that suck ass.
Originally posted by Boardin087
whats lomac?

A buggy flight simulator with code that runs like molasses and lacks essentials like a dynamic campaign and a proper manual.
Originally posted by NowhereMan
Maybe... only COD won Game of the Year just about everywhere. I think that although it's old, it still hacks it just fine. There are a lot of games out there with new engines that suck ass.

You are missing my point. Just because a game have a great game engine don´t automatically do it a great game.

Neither having a game engine many have had success with in the past.

COD is a big hit DESPITE it´s game engine. It´s impressive what they done with it but they could have done so much more with a better game engine.

In term of graphics and visual appeal the gameplay doesn´t improve/lacken without it.

Yes OTL is quite close to the truth. But you do see why it kills all systems available today. It´s absolutely gorgeous if you do max out everything. It´s not playable but damn do it look good.

And as a CPU test it´s more demanding than a prime 95 torture blend test.

And the manual is a yoke really. They want us to pay 25$ for a real manual.

It was intended to have a dynamic campaign but Eagle Dynamics obviously couldn´t develop a good one so they skipped it.
Originally posted by SCSI-Terminator
DX:IW is a fairly good stress tester... and theres that farcry demo that got released

But DX:IV is only a good hardware tester because it´s so buggy. LOMAC and Far Cry is it because of the effects and scenery.
Originally posted by devo5676
this might sound stupid as shit, but what is lomac?

everybody asks the same thing ;)

LOMAC = Lock on: Modern air combat

The sequel to Flanker 2.5. The latest modern combat flight sim that are the latest and greatest for all flight simmers into modern flight combat.

It´s also the most hardware demanding game out now including Far Cry which looks absolutely stunning that too btw.
Originally posted by devo5676
and with my system it would be demanding?.... look at sig

You will have to fight hard to make that game playable at 1280x960x16 at medium settings and max 4x aa and 4x anisotropic. Perhaps if you got a 4,5 Ghz CPU since LOMAC seems to be very CPU dependent.
Originally posted by devo5676
hmm.... im sure i can pull off making that game run flawlessly

LOL there has many before you saying that. Well sure I got it very playable with my setup with various tweaks and such and still getting some decent visuals. Better than IL 2 FB in many aspects and worse in some aspects.

You just have to get humble and not expecting to run at the settings you always run your games at.

It´s just more demanding than you ever can imagine.
Originally posted by NowhereMan
Maybe... only COD won Game of the Year just about everywhere.

Not true. Knights of the Old Republic won game of the year just about everywhere.
Speaking of kotor, want to kill your graphics card? Turn everything on all the way in kotor and throw lighting 3 on all your characters at once. My pc starting crying when I tired.
Originally posted by oqvist
LOL there has many before you saying that. Well sure I got it very playable with my setup with various tweaks and such and still getting some decent visuals. Better than IL 2 FB in many aspects and worse in some aspects.

You just have to get humble and not expecting to run at the settings you always run your games at.

It´s just more demanding than you ever can imagine.

i do believe i have a little bit better set up than you do
Originally posted by devo5676
i do believe i have a little bit better set up than you do

It doesn´t matter. Actually all that matters in this game is a super duper CPU and mine is a bit faster than yours really.

Sure you can hit higher FSB number eventually if your mainboard can take it and your video card is about 10 % faster... Believe me you will still struggle. Something odd with LOMAC is that there is very little difference in performance between 1024x768 and 1600x1200. Another thing that shows how CPU dependent LOMAC is.

That plus all dx 9 effects do make for a hell of a demanding game. I have stopped using prime 95 for CPU test and run LOMAC instead. That way I have some fun too and if my comp can run LOMAC it can run everything. Has replaced 3DMARK 2001SE as a stability test for me.
Originally posted by oqvist
It doesn´t matter. Actually all that matters in this game is a super duper CPU and mine is a bit faster than yours really.

Sure you can hit higher FSB number eventually if your mainboard can take it and your video card is about 10 % faster... Believe me you will still struggle. Something odd with LOMAC is that there is very little difference in performance between 1024x768 and 1600x1200. Another thing that shows how CPU dependent LOMAC is.

That plus all dx 9 effects do make for a hell of a demanding game. I have stopped using prime 95 for CPU test and run LOMAC instead. That way I have some fun too and if my comp can run LOMAC it can run everything. Has replaced 3DMARK 2001SE as a stability test for me.

yea, something about the HT technology helps it out a lil, with the Dual Processor ability, and yea, my main board can handle ALOT of shit, i mean stock to the wall i got 5250 on 3dmark, wihch i know isn't all that great, but just wait until i over colck, then it will be able to handle all, i think, although i have never played LOMAC, but i'll take your word that it is a very intense game and need alot to handle it, i'll just have to try it out and give you some feedback
Originally posted by devo5676
yea, something about the HT technology helps it out a lil, with the Dual Processor ability, and yea, my main board can handle ALOT of shit, i mean stock to the wall i got 5250 on 3dmark, wihch i know isn't all that great, but just wait until i over colck, then it will be able to handle all, i think, although i have never played LOMAC, but i'll take your word that it is a very intense game and need alot to handle it, i'll just have to try it out and give you some feedback

Yes sure try it out but you want enjoy it if you aren´t into modern flight sims. LOMAC is technically very good but it doesn´t got a proper dynamic campaign and it´s hard on newbies.

But you don´t have to worry about making it playable hopefully :) If you manage to steer away from any bugs that is.
devo u seem really confident about your rig, looks like this is just a bragging thread if anything to me
That is why he should play LOMAC so he see the real truth :D
Not saying it´s bad but there are considerable faster systems than you and mine out there
tron 2.0 that is a really graphic intensive game...full settings at
1600x1200 should be a good test of the card...
(runs flawlessly on athlon xp 2400+ , radeon 9700 pro, 512mb pc 2100)
fuck lomac,

MORROWIND 1600x1200/pixel shader/4xAA

If you run it nice then your gold for a long time.
Originally posted by Typical Gamer
fuck lomac,

MORROWIND 1600x1200/pixel shader/4xAA

If you run it nice then your gold for a long time.

Actually I run that settings fine on my 9700 PRO. Morrowind is my fav game of all time btw.
Originally posted by devo5676
i do believe i have a little bit better set up than you do
dont get smart, we dont even know that you have that setup, for all we know you could be a 16 yr old loser kid, with no self esteem, no life, and no bitch
Originally posted by Whatsisname
solitare with all the options on will slow your machine to a crawl.

I don't know... Hearts is a pretty demanding game if I say so myself... :D
None of those really come close to minesweeper though as non intensive graphics games :D
Minesweeper is buggy and does not render shadows properly, but it look super super good with AA and AF maxed out....even if it does become a slide show.