Graphic Conferencing?


Supreme [H]ardness
Aug 17, 2004
I don't know what they're actually called but is there a program i can use that will let me share a sketchboard over the net?

Somesort of program that will let me load a bitmap, scribble notes on it, and then everything that shows up on my screen will be shared with anyone connected to me.

I'll be using it for my gaming clan. I want to be able to load an overhead map, then write on it to show everyone where they're supposed to be and what to do in real time.

Is there such a program?
I don't have a credit card :( Thanks for the suggestion tho :)

Anyway, i found something. I browsed the YM plugins and came up with this.

A bit slow but atleast i don't have to install anything else. I'll try using it for now. I'll still be on the lookout for something better.
A clanmate found a new site. It's better than the YM plugin ^_^

We'll be using this from now on to discuss the maps.

Once you start a new session, the site will give you a link that you can distribute to the other members (Send to All in teamspeak) and then we can discuss everything while on teamspeak, and the ones with no mics can use the text chat on the site.

If you don't have java, you can get it here.

Choose "Windows XP/Vista/2000/2003 Offline" and install it.

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I had asked around about this, and i've been getting some very useful suggestions. Just figured it would be rude if i didn't also give out the solution the others gave me. Thanks guys :)
Even tho they're PC gamers, not everyone in the clan is computer literate. The rental cafes usually only have YM.

Needs credit card

1 on 1 only. Doesn't work in conferencing

Only serves up to 6 people (There can be 22 of us online at once). I guess we can limit it to just the clan officers.

Possible but most rental shops only allow YM over here. Does it allow sharing between multiple users?