Grand Theft Auto 5 PC version Release Date! ( Official )

Even if they are on vacation...they promised an announcement last week. Why do that if you know you either won't be there or you aren't certain it will be correct? I bet something's up.
I played the 360 then upgraded to ps4. Would love to get the PC version because I've read somewhere (cant remember where) that they've paid alot of attention to the PC version, not just a crappy port. I know the difference between the 360 and ps4 was dramatic for me. Its beautiful. But my gaming PC is a few years old, and I don't think ill be able to handle what I want it to do.
I played the 360 then upgraded to ps4. Would love to get the PC version because I've read somewhere (cant remember where) that they've paid alot of attention to the PC version, not just a crappy port. I know the difference between the 360 and ps4 was dramatic for me. Its beautiful. But my gaming PC is a few years old, and I don't think ill be able to handle what I want it to do.

Well, if some people are to be believed, GTA V will be as, if not more, optimised as Max Payne 3.

Only time will tell.
I fully expect a delay, but more along the lines of 3-6 weeks instead of May. If it IS something like May, I almost wonder if it'll come out at all.
I could care less about the (still unconfirmed) delay, as long as it's a good port.

With so many console ports - and even the console games themselves - being released in an unfinished state, more work and polish couldn't hurt. Besides, I have a massive backlog of games stretching from Steam to Origin to emulators.

You know you have a backlog problem when games from the 90's are on your list.
I'll be getting it no matter what. Played them all back to the original and been waiting on this one to come to PC. If there is a big delay (which I don't think there will be) I'll consider getting it on PS4, but there was no way I was going to get it for PS3.
I am console-less (except for Wii, see what I did there) so I don't know what I'm missing. I don't mind a minor delay but don't fuck with us and push it until late Spring. Probably just cooking their books to get a Q2 boost year over year or something.
...don't fuck with us and push it until late Spring. Probably just cooking their books to get a Q2 boost year over year or something.
Rockstar has sold over 30 million copies of GTA V thus far on consoles. Considering that PC sales generally account for less than 10% of a game publisher's profits, a conspiracy to push back the release date in order to please investors seems unlikely. Rockstar could completely abandon the PC market and see little to no effect whatsoever on their bottom line.

Often, we forget that we're small potatoes in the eyes of developers and publishers - as here on the Internets, PC gaming is king and consoles are insignificant. In the real world, the opposite is true. We're a niche market, unfortunately.
I'll be getting it no matter what. Played them all back to the original and been waiting on this one to come to PC.
Same here. The only way I can see myself not buying it is if it has the horrible performance and z-fighting issues GTA IV had. I highly doubt that will happen though.
Same here. The only way I can see myself not buying it is if it has the horrible performance and z-fighting issues GTA IV had. I highly doubt that will happen though.

Ditto. Hopefully the Max Payne 3 port team (do they have an actual studio name?) isn't over their heads with this one. I really don't want another GTAIV, especially on a GTA game that is far better in every way.
In the real world, the opposite is true. We're a niche market, unfortunately

I'm having trouble deciding whether you're just a sadly misinformed person, or a troll.

Because everyone with a brain knows that obsolete last-century groups like the NPD only track RETAIL sales, NOT digital sales. Thus, their figures are irrelevant.

Steam says 'hi'.

Furthermore, you're pitting ONE platform against two (or three). Disingenuous at best.

I could go on, but I'd just be preaching to the choir.
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As long as I don't need to wait for v1.5 to enjoy the game I don't care about the release date. In fact I prefer it releases after win10 consumer preview as I will be upgrading.
I'm having trouble deciding whether you're just a sadly misinformed person, or a troll.

Because everyone with a brain knows that obsolete last-century groups like the NPD only track RETAIL sales, NOT digital sales. Thus, their figures are irrelevant.

Steam says 'hi'.

Furthermore, you're pitting ONE platform against two (or three). Disingenuous at best.

I could go on, but I'd just be preaching to the choir.

NPD does track digital sales, but since Valve doesn't report their sales they can't really track them. I don't believe Amazon reports sales to them either. Still the core PC gaming market IS smaller than consoles. You can't go "oh you're comparing two platforms against one, that isn't fair" because that is EXACTLY what publishers do. There is a reason both Sony and MS don't care much if developers make games for the PC along side their console exclusive versions.