GPU utilization drops drastically.


Aug 24, 2003
I'm having an annoying issue I experience while gaming. I am using the rig in my sig. When I start off, my gpu utilization for both cores is anywhere from 65%-99%. My fps is high & steady. Over the course of a few maps, the utilization drops down to the low teens, and even down to single digits. As a result, my fps drops way down as well. This happens on all games & I've tried every driver that's been released the last 1-1/2 years. My temps never get higher than 55C. I would appreciate any help. Thanks.
What games are you playing when the symptoms appear?
Newer games show the 4000 series age when you put everything to max and 1080p + ..... other than gpu utilization is your card clock staying at 3D lvls when u see it dropping down bellow 20 ? You could easily check with gpuz graphs.
Its a cpu limitation, I have the same issue bro. I cannot push past like 85% GPU utilization at my current clocks. At stock clocks, it was in the low 70s. Jacking up the graphics quality does increase utilization, but my goal with SLI was to get high framerates to match my monitor. In both tribes and BF3, no matter what the settings are, my average frames are always mid 80's. It will spike higher and lower depending on settings, but the average will always be in the 80's. It sucks because my buddy running a 2500k + 570 with similar settings (in bf3) has fps averages in the mid 90's.
Read the first post... issue is not a CPU limit, if it starts high and drops something else is going on.
Thanks for your input. I also don't believe it to be a cpu limitation. It starts fine and progressively worsens as time goes on. I have afterburner running so I am able to constantly monitor my gpu when gaming. The games I play are; MW3, BF2, LFD2 & NOLF2. None of these games tax my system in any way. Is it possible the vram is overheating? If so, how can I monitor it?
I doubt it's a CPU limitation, his GPU utilization goes down to single digits. A Q9550 is plenty of CPU to keep those GPU's above the sinlge digit mark