GPS Mapping Software?


Feb 14, 2003
Does anybody know of any free software that will work with my GPS and my laptop, and basically tell me exactly where I need to turn as I drive? I get lost in my own kitchen...something like this would be really helpful to me...:D
Never used it, but look into Streets and Maps.

I use DeLorme Topo USA. Its mainly for Topo maps though, not streets and urban driving.
odoe will be around in a bit, he would know if anyone would
he is our resident map expert

err...make that professional cartographer ;)
I think it depends on what GPS you are using and with what OS. If it's just a Windows CE device, you would have better luck, but with other units the OS is different. There's trimble, garmin and a few others.

I've heard a couple of people that use Handmap, although I have never used it myself.

I think it would be difficult to find free software that will plot a map route on a laptop and give you exportable data for a gps. That's usually the bread and butter of most of these companies. I'm sure there are free add-ins for existing software that will do it.

ESRI offers ArcExplorer for free, but I'm not sure what the limitations are or if you can do route queries, then of course there is the matter of getting the route data if you can.

I think you can find street data from the census site, but I'm not sure, it's worth a look though.

Oh, and for you guys that just want to have some fun, ArcExplorer Web Edition is now up and running.

Right now at work, I have the pleasure of doing some programming to customize ArcPad for some applications, but I had to RMA the Trimble unit because the charger died. :mad:

Anyway, I'm babbling.

Oh, PocketStreets seems to be free now, a little outdated, but free and there is software out there called PSConvert to convert currrent free map data from MS to PocketStreets data. I won't link it, because to tell you the truth, I'm not sure how legit that conversion is.

Speaking of cartographer, one of our maps from work that was presented last year was selected for4 the ESRI map book this year, but the data on the map wasn't ours so we couldn't use it. :(
I didn't work on that particular map, but this year I'm going to put a couple of kick ass maps together.