Got my PII 955 today

From reading the forums for the app, it appears many use it on Vista 32/64. Even Windows7. But it crashes for me instantly. Would love to try it.
I'm running it on Vista64. Are you sure that you got the x64 version? I'm using the version 1.2.2 x64.

Yes, it never even starts up before erroring out.

I figured out that I can actually OC and use vista coolnquiet. i just need to leave the multiplier to auto, the coolnquiet setting on auto, and fsb oc. Changing HT/memory/CPU_NB multiplers has no effect on CNQ. This seems to vary by board, or perhaps by chipset, as some people report cnq still works for them hile multi oc'ing.

Its a little annoying since we have a black version with unlocked multi, but I am fine fsb oc'ing my 940BE until a version of pmsrtweaker comes out that works on my box!
I recommend unistalling the .net services and reinstalling them. I always seem to have probs after updating them from microsoft and I had the exact same prob you were having saying I need ed 2 or higher but had 3.5 installed.GL
I always assumed .NET was inclusive, but why do I have .NET 1.0 and 3.5? My XP machine shows 1,2,and 3. Should I install 2 in Vista64 to make sure it has it or will thant bung the 3.5?
I also have vista sp1. I uninstalled and then reinstalled through the 3.1 redistributable installer, still can't run phenommsrtweaker.
