Got an iBook - how do I disable sleep when closed?


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 27, 2003
Hey, I recently got this 700 mhz 256mb ram G3 iBook which is running on Mac OS X 10.2.8. When it is on and I close it, the screen shuts off and it seems to sleep or hibernate, since it becomes cold (and I'm trying to fold on it and closing it seems to halt the folding). I checked the Energy Saver settings in System Preferences, but it doesn't show any options for when you close the laptop. Can anyone help?
You can't, it's not one of the features - closed lid operation. A lot of heat goes through the keyboard so putting it to the screen isn't a good idea.

However, there is a modification you can do, but I don't know the details off hand.
I thought if you plugged in an external monior/keyboard / mouse it disabled it (I recall reading that somewhere)
powerbooks do, ibooks don't theres a hack out there to fix it, i did it to my 12" 1ghz ibook and it worked fine.
TekieB said:
I thought if you plugged in an external monior/keyboard / mouse it disabled it (I recall reading that somewhere)

this DOES work, thing is that it has to be plugged in as well.

besides this, there used to be a program called NoSleep, but in panther it doesnt work anymore... might work in 10.2.8 though.
RiDDLeRThC said:
powerbooks do, ibooks don't theres a hack out there to fix it, i did it to my 12" 1ghz ibook and it worked fine.

this is also SEMI true, what he is talking about is that, presumably you will want to use an external monitor. what happens is that stock the iBook can only mirror its display. limiting the externals resolution to 1024x768. if your external monitor can support more, you might want to try the spanning hack (google up ibook spanning).

hope that clarifies things.
With external keyboard/mouse and display, my ibook goes to sleep when the lid is closed.

Input from the keyboard will wake it, but it goes back to sleep after ~10 seconds. Any way to try this hack I hear abotu? I've got a 12" 1.0Ghz.
this is officially known as "clamshell mode" and as far as i know, this should work on a G4 ibook. you might want to check the apple documentation. if not that, try a permissions repair or a disk repair (off of the install cd)
vinividivici said:
this is officially known as "clamshell mode" and as far as i know, this should work on a G4 ibook. you might want to check the apple documentation. if not that, try a permissions repair or a disk repair (off of the install cd)

Yes, it is clamshell mode, and it's disabled on the ibooks...

I don't know what makes you think that your solutions would have anything to do wiht the problem.
something every body is also fogetting about is the reedswitch that tells the comp that the computer is asleep...if you remove that then it "should" work in a closed lid situation but say byby to your warranty
removing the switch would work fine...and I am fully capable of doing it (I do 6-7 ibook harddrive installs a week). The problem is that I don't want to run it never sleeping, I would just love the powerbook feature of running clamshell when keyboard is hooked up.
sleepless this is what you MIGHT want.

spanning hack

apple documentation i was wrong, sorry.

i know that KisMac has a way to avoid sleeping as well... and you only have to be plugged in to the ac connector.

and my solutions have a lot to do with the problem, i know that 1024x on a monitor that supports 1600x is a pain in the ass.
I don't want to hook up a monitor/keyboard, and don't want to void the warranty, so maybe I'll try out this hack thing.

Thanks for the help
sleepless works for me. Checked temps and everything and for just web surfing/itunes everything is normal...the fan doesn't kick on at all.

Don't tell me about wrecking my LCD, I understand all the risks there.