Got a dell 2005 fpw just some questions sinece im new to lcds


Aug 11, 2003
So my monitor has no dead pixels, thank god and minimal backlight leak not very noticeable unless i sit and stare at the monitor. My friend said I need to install a driver off the dell cd that comes with the monitor, but after looking and having windows xp pro auto search it still can't be found. I checked google without luck I searched for " Dell 2005 fpw driver ". So if you could point me in the right direction that'd be helpful, also what is a good setting for the brightness to be at? I have it at 70% right now, seems to be good. Another questions is how well do the usb ports on the side and rear of the monitor actually work compared to ones directly on my computer.

I put my hand above the vent of the monitor and the air coming out is quite warm, is that reason for concern or is it just normal?

Thanks for the help and I'd defintly recommend this monitor to anyone looking for a nice lcd. I played some Hl2 and CSS at 16:9, it was beautiful compared to my old Samsung Syncmaster 955DF 19" CRT. I don't think I'd ever go CRT again after seeing how much space I have on my desk now and how much cleaer and crisp the image/text is.
nEVER used the disk. Dont even know what I did with it.. I did by accident used the driver from windows update and it screwed with my photoshop optimum color settings on another computer so I won't use it again.

The thing gives off alot of heat so the warmth is fine...
The ports on the side have worked well with a sidewinder and also a gaming controller. Noticed no difference from the comp itself.
I didnt mess with brightness at all since this mofo is brighter then the sky....
Hope that helps a little.
16:9 is a beaut aint it :p
Ghostface Killah said:
Is the monitor directly connected to the computer? or is there a bypass?

stright to the computer via dvi

yes this monitor is beautiful and after buying this i dont think ill ever go back to crts again.
I have the 24" model but answers are probably going to be the same. I too was looking for drivers and was unable to find any. I thought windows would need monitor drivers to run the screen at it's high res but it was actually fine without them. I would just plug the monitor in, restart if needed, then see if windows gives you the proper screen resolutions. The USB ports on my Dell work for things like USB flash drives and such but would lose my mouse every time I restart. So the mouse gets plugged in directlyto the pc and the monitor ports are used for items that are not constantly plugged in.
Well I actually did use the CD that came with it, I had to go and select the specific directory that the drivers are in for windows to recognize them, then they did no problem, but the other poster was right, i dont know if you need them, but i am kind of anal and it just made me feel batter to see the Dell 2005FPW listed in the display properties. I am at work right now so i dont have the CD on hand to give you the actual directory but if u look around onthe CD you should be able to find the WinXP or WDM folder in a Driver directory.
if you get a chance and get home and can find the directory i'd appreciate it

but Im going to class now so dont have a chance

be back at 11
This is what I did. After i got my 2005 fpw, I just plugged it in using the DVI cable and it worked. Than I went to property to check on the monitor and it didn't say it was a 2005 fpw. So, I went to My computer. Right click. Property. Device Manager. Monitor. Go to the driver tab. Click Update Driver. Pop the CD in. Make it search the driver in CD rom. After 30 second it is done.

Frankly, the quality was all the same. I really didn't notice anything much except for the bluring when I play fps games (counter strike CZ) kind a went away. Now, I'm not saying that the driver fixed that or that my eyes got used to LCD (since I have been using crt for 7 years). But it is worth a try.