Google’s $10K Employee Startup Referral Program


Cat Can't Scratch It
May 9, 2000
There is little wonder why Google is consistently rated as one of the best places to work, hands down. Google instituted a new Startup Referral Program for their employees to encourage them to sponsor unknown programs for funding. If the suggestion is accepted, the employee is $10K richer. Simple as that.

There are more programs coming to help Google Ventures get deal flow, says Maris. In the near future they’ll announce more “unique, haven’t-been-tried-before, outside of the box type ideas that will apply to people who aren’t Google employees, too.
Money is a great incentive. We've got similar incentives at work, but it's a % of the profits for the first 2 months of the deal. Could be a lot, could be a little, but at least it's something.
Looks neat.

Logo reminds me of this a little too.

It's not a new scheme, Microsoft has/had a similar 'Refer a Friend' program since years ago.
The idea behind it is that social networking works better than regular hiring, these 'friends' are more likely to have the same type of background than the referee, and 'friends' working together are more likely to stay at the company for longer.
It's not a new scheme, Microsoft has/had a similar 'Refer a Friend' program since years ago.
The idea behind it is that social networking works better than regular hiring, these 'friends' are more likely to have the same type of background than the referee, and 'friends' working together are more likely to stay at the company for longer.

This is not for referring employees. This is for referring ground floor start up companies that Google might be interested in investing in or buying.
Only $10k? The company I work for offered $150k split minimum of 2 people. And we're no where near the financial size of Google.