Google Phasing Out Chrome Apps For Mac And Windows


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
You are out of luck if you are a Chrome apps user and not running the browser-based OS, as Google is terminating support for them on other platforms. While the official reason is to move developers to standardized web apps, maybe these apps were just typically unimpressive (most of them are just links to websites or web applications).

If you haven't used Chrome's web apps much before, they do a pretty good job of simulating smaller apps in their own dedicated window. Chrome needs to be running for the app to work, but they otherwise feel separate from the browser and are often almost indistinguishable from a native app. (I use Chrome apps for things like Google Keep, Hangouts and Wunderlist on my Mac from time to time, for example.) The phase-out plan for Chrome apps calls for newly-published apps to only be available to Chrome OS starting at the end of 2016. By mid-2017, the Chrome app store won't show apps to Mac, Windows or Linux users anymore (though extensions will still be available), and in early 2018 Chrome apps won't function at all on those platforms.
And no one noticed, from article;
only about 1 percent of users on Windows, Mac and Linux use Chrome Packaged Apps.​