Google Pays CEO A Buck, 4 Other Execs Get $124M

"Over and over again, courts have said that there is nothing sinister in arranging one's affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everybody does so, rich or poor; and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands; taxes are enforce exactions, not voluntary contributions."

Circuit Judge Learned Hand
U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals

Sure, if it's done legally. Trouble is there are those who haven't paid taxes because they've hidden their money illegally.

Check out the leaked reports from April 4th 2013 that the wealthy's tried for years to hide from everybody else.

Since the leak, some of the wealthy have come forward and paid their due taxes they've evaded. The IRS is giving them immunity for a certain period of time to catch up with their taxes before they go all out.

Circuit Judge Learned Hand painted things too black and white. It's not that simple, and I think he knows it.
We all hide our money. You find a $100 bill walking in the parking lot of a grocery store, we pocket it. That's income, regardless if found or earned. I bet you wouldn't report that to the IRS.

Every time I charge a friend's friend of another friend to fix their laptop, and they give me cash. That's not reported. It's not my primary income, but I take it.

Waiters and Waitresses do not accurately report cash tips to the IRS.

Low income take advantage of the IRS and get $10,000 refund checks because they live in the parent's basement, married, no jobs, 3 kids. (Yes, this is an example of people I know...)

We all do it, regardless of rich, middle, or poor.
We all hide our money. You find a $100 bill walking in the parking lot of a grocery store, we pocket it. That's income, regardless if found or earned. I bet you wouldn't report that to the IRS.

Every time I charge a friend's friend of another friend to fix their laptop, and they give me cash. That's not reported. It's not my primary income, but I take it.

Waiters and Waitresses do not accurately report cash tips to the IRS.

Low income take advantage of the IRS and get $10,000 refund checks because they live in the parent's basement, married, no jobs, 3 kids. (Yes, this is an example of people I know...)

We all do it, regardless of rich, middle, or poor.

well then that makes me feel so much better how trillions of dollars are lost from tax revenue by the wealthy - because the poor do it too.


Wrong or not wrong, the poor has more reason to hold on to what money they can get their hands on than some crooked billionaire or millionaire who has the gall to use public infrastructure but not contribute to it.
Wouldn't the CEO of Google simply pay for everything he needs by offering some Search Engine Optimization in return?

*getting the bill at a restaurant*
"Yeah... i don't have any money, but uh, ill bump you up on the "restaurant" search results by 2 places."