Google Instant Adds $5M per Week in Revenue


Limp Gawd
May 3, 2010
Paid search management platform provider Marin Software has found that ad impressions have increased by more than 9% since the introduction of Instant, while click-throughs have increased by more than 5%. What does this mean for Google? Only about $5 million a week in increased revenue!

Spending rose 2 percent after Instant launched, according to Marin, which compared data for keywords from the two weeks before and after the launch of Google Instant.
Marin, which sampled clients that together manage $1.3 billion in paid search spend per year, asserted this is proof people are actually searching and clicking more as a result of Google Instant.
Steve Jobs: "Only $5M increase? I make that much each minute! That wouldn't even be enough to cover my child support ahaha"
Note to self: Ask Google politely to donate me 1 million. :cool: If not accepted, then make a ransom :eek: