Google Has 64% Of Search Queries

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Is it any surprise that Google is responsible for 64% of all search queries? The Google gang is gaining ground while Yahoo and MSN slip further behind.

The number of search queries on Google rose to 64.1 percent in March, compared with 63.9 percent in February and 58.3 percent a year ago, according to Hitwise, which bases its report on the surfing habits of 10 million U.S. Web users.
I'd have to admit, I use "Google" as substitute for search sometimes when talking to family... EG:
"Just google (for) it"
I would have assumed Google had a larger percentage, but I still catch my wife using MSN search, so I guess lots of other people still use MSN or Yahoo just out of habit.
yeah.. i woulda thought it'd be more
half the time people ask me questions i just tell them to google it :p
My favorite feature about google is the cache link. That was genius and the #1 reason I use google, cant live without it.
I would have assumed Google had a larger percentage, but I still catch my wife using MSN search, so I guess lots of other people still use MSN or Yahoo just out of habit.

haven't used any other search engines since.... i can't remember ;)

haven't used any other search engines since.... i can't remember ;)

+2 :p

I remember using it when it first came out because it loaded so much faster than competitors (yahoo primarily) on dialup internet because the main page was JUST the search box... not links to 800 personal networking, news, email, etc pages with advertisements all over.
+2 :p

I remember using it when it first came out because it loaded so much faster than competitors (yahoo primarily) on dialup internet because the main page was JUST the search box... not links to 800 personal networking, news, email, etc pages with advertisements all over.

It still loads faster than any page I know of. Besides searching, I always use it to test for internet connectivity.
+2 :p

I remember using it when it first came out because it loaded so much faster than competitors (yahoo primarily) on dialup internet because the main page was JUST the search box... not links to 800 personal networking, news, email, etc pages with advertisements all over.


Same thing here. I always found them to have the most revelant information, and the fastest searches of any search engines.

I believe the reason they don't have a larger share is because that MSN search is the default search via the default homepage on windows systems.

Vista's default search is also MSN. I have noticed an odd little bug with Vista, I've caught it a coulpe of times reverting to MSN even after I set it to Google as the default search engine.
It is the only search page I can stand looking at. Almost graceful in it's simplicity, just a logo and a box :) Gets good results, which is mostly what I really need, though chacing is amazing when that "perfect" page won't load.

And as someone else mentioned, my standard internet test is to search google for something random.