Google / Facebook Workers Choosing To Stand At Work

The science behind this is so overwhelming that I would expect most larger companies will trend towards this. Forget the productivity aspect of it, the health ramifications alone make monetary sense for a company that provides health benefits.

It is better than sitting all day, but it brings up a few issues of its own. Circulation goes wonky if you don't move around much, more stress on the joints, need good shoes etc.
A headline writer's dream....

Google/FB Employees Take a Stand!
Can't Stand Your Job?
Stand and Deliver!
Google employees can't stand sitting.
Working at a gaming studio, probably about 30% of the people have standing desks.

Personally, I can't stand it...
This has been very common here in Sweden for the last 10 years. The desks have electric motors so they can be raised or lowered, allowing you to either sit or stand.
We have a very nice setup at work. Has 4 monitor mounts that can adjust depth and angle as well as height. The desk also raises and can harbor about 3 pc systems.
screw that. give me a place to plant my ass. I don't need to sit all day - but I don't need to stand all day either.
I think fat people should be forced to work at a standing desk.
I prefer to stand if it doesn't require extensive writing or typing. I've always stood when I did labs and builds in high school and college.
My feet keep swelling if I sit at my computer for too long so I agree with their reasoning. Sitting for long periods is very bad for blood circulation in your legs..

They're not news really, we've had them in Europe for years, it's law that you have vertically adjustable desks in some countries.

A LAW?! Are you serious? I thought American laws were crazy :p

I mean, if its good for people I can see why... just kind of an odd law if you ask a guy like me. What countries, do you know off hand?
This chair combines sitting and standing.
I think fat people should be forced to work at a standing desk.

It isn't going to make them less fat, it is just going to ruin their feet and knees. Well, that might be good... I won't have to wait in line for a cheeseburger as long.