Google Experiments' "Quick Draw" Guesses What You Draw

I thought it was neat but a bit unclear.
a. how big is the guess pool size to drawing ratio? If there are 1000 drawings and 1000 guesses then the robot will appear more often than not correct due to the limited guess size although I was able to draw a crab horribly and it gave up.
b. if the guess size was infinite it would require some type of pattern recognition (pictures, drawings, descriptions etc ) to reference which has me think the guess pool is limited to appear more accurate

either way its neat
is it me or is 20 seconds not long enough to draw some of things it asks you draw? It also only guessed 3/6 things i had drawn partially due to the timer running out.
5 out of 6 this time...not sure now it didn't get #5 though.
It didn't get my cat or monkey, but the other 4 were recognized quickly.
Because phones don't look like that anymore? lol!
wow, they're that good at recognizing objects already? fuck me. we don't stand a chance. Unless I am host without knowing it
Damnit guys, you're helping skynet learn! Identifying poor kids drawings is the first step to eradicating your families!
I drew a penis for everything. It didn't get it.
I also tried it the right way. Pretty cool. I had trouble drawing an onion though...
It got all my drawings except the toe. it seems it's because, according to everyone who trained the nn, toes are vertical.

Something else funny about this were all the drawing examples they had that the neural net inside of my mellon was not able to identify correctly.