Goods and bads of cable internet?


Mar 8, 2004
Need some incite here guys. Been having DSL service for about 4 months. Its blazing fast, 1.5/1.0 speeds. Most definently shit loads then my 56 modem I was stuck with for 11 years. But recently some issues are really starting to nag me.

1. Ping rates absolutely suck. Easily 80-100+ range, no thanks to Qwest running interleaving on their DSL. Its Unacceptable to play UT2k4, RTCW or any fast pace shooter at those ping rates. I barely manage at BF1942 in the 80-90 range but I get my ass wopped with people and there lovely 30-50 ms ping

2. Qwest unreliable POS Actiontec modems. These things won't stay on for more then two weeks straight before needing a power cycle for whatever reason. Not able to put them into bridge mode and allow a higher grade router do the work due to Qwest using PPPoA.

A local company called Bresnan Communications is offering 3.0 download, 256upload cable. They use Linksys cable modems whic you can EASILY attach to higher grade router. I just installed one of these this friday at a clients house and damn was it fast! The lady I spoke with said their is currently no download cap per month, but she wasn't sure if they were blocking any ports and they do not offer static IP's.

Basically my big gain from cable would HOPEFULLY be lower ping rates so I could enjoy my games more though my upload speed gets cut down majorly but since im not hosting anything, not that big of a deal.

What have you guys found?
Well, I can't speak for the quality of your local provider, but I love my cable. I get double digit pings in all my games constantly. My provider has been rock solid for me. The upload is 256 like yours, but that has never affected me or my wife, who uploads way more than I do. The bottleneck for her has always been the receiving server.

Mine doesn't block any ports, the only limitation is that they don't want me running a server. Beyond that, I've never had a problem.

Speed+++ compared to dial up
Cost is not much higer than dial up

slower than t-1
you have to buy/rent a modem

i recomend cable internet. it works great for me
As far as I'm concerned, cable is the best. My Cox offers nearly 3 times lower pings than a friends DSL through Verizon (I think)
It really depends on the area, and the provider. You may want to check out and see if there are people in your area that have cable, and see what they say about it. The same ISP in one location may be excellent in one town, and piss poor in another. There is no definitive answer to the cable vs. DSL question.
Fast Internet
Can easily share to more than 1 computer
3 people can play online at the same time and still have good pings
Can't be kicked offline
Can have static IP if you wish
Don't have to listen to those stupid noises of connecting like 56k
Don't need a 56k modem installed into your PC
Uses LAN
My pings are in between 0 and 70 depending the time of day

Have to buy a router (usually it comes free though)
Uses LAN - not really sure if thats a con but it takes up space in ur PC I guess
i hope you get a carrier that doesn't cap your upload. i'm on patmedia in new jersey and my upload speeds are horrendous. i don't game, so i can't comment on the ping/lag times.
Remember folks: Cable/dsl vary WILDLY from area to area, sometimes even in the same area. Your best bet is to call them up, ask your questions ( blocked ports, ect... ), and then try it out.

In my area, we are stuck with either charter or yahoo/sbc dsl. I choose the lesser of the two evils, but make no mistakes, charter is still evil.