Good way to undelete files from a large active filesystem?


Dec 23, 2006
The volume in question is a NTFS filesystem that once contained all the company's "dumping ground" files. The filesystem has close to a million files (word docs, etc.) within it and perhaps a TB of data on it. At some point, a large root-level folder was deleted in the past.

Fortunately, we migrated off this filesystem very soon after this folder had been deleted, so the volume is still around and intact and has not received any I/O for a long time. So I have a feeling I might still have a shot at finding this missing folder we just discovered this week, despite the fact that it's been gone for 6 months - the filesystem it was deleted on has not seen much activity.

I've tried a few common "undelete" utilities and am struggling to find one that works well against such a large, high-traffic NTFS volume. Any suggestions? Free would be nice (simply because I can try it asap) but I don't mind paying if it makes sense.
I personally use Recuva.

Install it on a thumbdrive or a partition (or drive) that doesn't contain the deleted files, then run it and be sure you tell it to restore the file someplace other than the drive you deleted the files on
The only reliable way would be to call in your month end off-site backup from the last backup set made before the directory was deleted...
I personally use Recuva.

Install it on a thumbdrive or a partition (or drive) that doesn't contain the deleted files, then run it and be sure you tell it to restore the file someplace other than the drive you deleted the files on

Wow. Thanks for this...never knew about it. Looks nice and it's free!

I've personally used "GetDataBack" ( with mixed results...
The only reliable way would be to call in your month end off-site backup from the last backup set made before the directory was deleted...

Back-up? What's that for? Sounds like a waste of money.:rolleyes: