Good way for wife to get ahold of me?


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 1, 2003
I'm just getting our basement finished and have my PC moved down--yay! But my wife wants to be able to get my attention without having to yell down the stairs.

I'm not sure what would work best but for sure I don't want anything popping up on my screen because I'll probably be gaming. I think the ideal solution would be some sort of voice chat but I have no idea what to look for..


Wife = upstairs
Me = downstairs, gaming
Cheap two way radio. She can have one in the kitchen and you can have one on the desk.
My telephone has an intercom capability which is nice for this type thing.
I might be wearing headphones with a game or just music...
I might be wearing headphones with a game or just music...

In which case you're not going to hear her yelling down the stairs anyway.

Go to radio shack and get a wireless intercom that has a light that blinks when it's transmitting or receiving.
Gah, I remember reading something similar to this a while back and the guy setup his chair to vibrate when she pressed a button.
Gah, I remember reading something similar to this a while back and the guy setup his chair to vibrate when she pressed a button.

Lawl, that's awesome.

My contribution to the thread:
Use a cell phone and leave your phone in front of you standing on vibrate. Get your wife to text you if you have free texting and your phone will start dancing when she texts you.
Tie a very long cord to the end of your penis. Give the other end to her and never ever make her mad.
Tie a very long cord to the end of your penis. Give the other end to her and never ever make her mad.
That's a good one:D

If your looking for a general idea, then a buzzer or flashing-light comes to mind. If you mean something more "computerized", then just keep skype, teamspeak, or a similar program running in the basement, and the first floor to talk on. For me, my basement is unfinished, so for the most part, I can always hear her calling right through the floor.
Wireless doorbell. You'll be able to heard that thing even with headphones on.
Doggy shock collar, works everytime and will teach you not to be late.

Get one with variable levels of shock for best effect.
Get a deaf doorbell(doorbell plus pulse light that is attached to wall socket),which is what my wife uses when I'm not home. You are guaranteed to respond or else(been hit with a iron skillet yet?).
Have her do what my wife does, call me on my cell phone. I always have that damn thing on my hip and it is set to vibrate when a call comes in.
Hehe, does your wife happen to use a computer as well? Maybe use skype? ^^ That looks to be of some help.

You could do the two cups and a string, and see if that works out. Let us know! j/k! xD
Have her unplug the router. When the "no cable connected" icon pops up on your system tray, you know it's dinner time.