Good stable clocker for 2600k on water?


Oct 23, 2005
I had just upgraded my PC a few days ago from my q6600. All has gone well apart from my motherboard is not playing fair with me. I have the MSI z68s G43 (G3). It overclocks well even although I have no control over cpu voltage. Problem is its resetting its clock speed down, seen other simular boards do the same on other forums.

Now im gona RMA it, so need to choose another board that allows me to control the vcore if I choose, allows me to change the mem voltage by increments, unlike the msi board I have. Im not 100% I even need the z68, maybe another chipset would be just as good, dont know what the difference is? I dont want to spend crazy amounts £130 is my mark.

Gigabyte Z68's mb's allow Vcore adjusting but not Memory adjustments. Might try ASUS.