Good site to find replacement screen for Samsung chromebook?


Supreme [H]ardness
Dec 27, 2004
My 7 year old daughter was given a Chromebook (non-touchscreen) by my MiL a few months ago. MiL received the Chromebook for free from Best Buy when she purchased a tv. The model number of the Chromebook is:


Intel Atom, 2GB RAM, 16GB storage, WiFi only, 11.6” non-touch screen.

Last night the Chromebook was dropped from several feet, landed just right on the carpeted floor, and broke the screen. Screen just displays all white, with several black areas on the screen. It’s toast.

Does anyone know the requirements for a replacement screen? I know the resolution and physical size has to be the same but does the screen have to come from the same model number Chromebook?

I’ve searched but can’t find that exact model number, and I’m guessing it’s because it was a Best Buy promo model.

If anyone could point me in the right direction I’d be grateful. We’re not in a position to replace the Chromebook outright but replacement screens seem pretty reasonable ($30-$50 range). I’m willing to tackle the replacement myself. Samsung warranty has no listing for that model number (it does find the model when I register it, though), and from what I read of their warranty they don’t cover drops. Fair enough, didn’t expect them to.

Thanks in advance.
The only places that list it are either close to 100 bucks or so. Its probably toast. Advice would be to scrap it and get another. Bestbuy has a cheap windows Asus laptop for 109.99 today that's more capable than a chromebook. I think you're going to be out of luck repairing this as they don't cost much new and theres a lack of part availability.
Lol I forgot to close this out, it went so long with no response (but thank you for responding!)

GenMay found a replacement screen for $35, bought it and had it swapped out in 10 minutes. Works great now.
Glad to hear it was resolved, I was going to recommend laptopscreen dot com for excellent customer service and I thought prices were decent.