Good RPG game

If you are into RPG's and haven't played The Witcher you are truly missing out.

QFT. I blazed through the original. I'm starting again with the Enhanced Edition and the dialogue is totally different. Can't wait to try out different magic paths this time.
Heard about this on another site recently and decided to give it a go: Mount and blade.

Very good, free roaming rpg with no set storyline, switches between top down view to third first person during combat, alot of which takes place on horseback.

No fantasy element just good medieval fun.

Combat is good but I don't find it a very interesting RPG.
I played Fable for the pc and enjoyed not sure if you would call it 100% rpg but it was a good game none the less
I finally decided to upgrade my computer after a year or so and i'm looking for a good RPG game to play on my new comp. I was looking at Neverwinter Nights 2. The game looked good when it came out but I never got around to playing it. I know fallout 3 is good but I want to go back a while to some games I might have missed first because they will be cheaper :) I don't have time to be playing multiple RPG games so I'm just looking for one very solid RPG that was made in the last few years to get my fix.

I'd suggest getting Neverwinter Nights 2 and its expansion. I really liked the game and now that its a few years old the bugs should all be worked out!
The Witcher
Knights of the Old Republic
Fallout series
and Planescape Torment are all top notch.
If you hate the original you probably wouldn't like it then, the storyline (in the expansions) is better then the vanilla storyline, the same way the original nwn had better storylines in it's expansions.

The gameplay is very similar, party based, etc.
QFT. I blazed through the original. I'm starting again with the Enhanced Edition and the dialogue is totally different. Can't wait to try out different magic paths this time.

I never got past The Beast. Must have tried at least 10 times and then I just gave up.
just install custom patch it works flawless

Yes, but I still got the odd textures on signs to the point where I couldn't even read them and my inventory from using too much ram from what I could gather. I couldn't find a fix for that. It was my only issue really, but would be great to find a fix.