Good raid 5 PCI SATA card


Limp Gawd
Nov 15, 2004
Hello all! I got an old dual 950 server ("servatron") and i just had my main gaming cpu eat sh*t with a HDD click o death. (thankyou diamond max 9!) i was thinking of building a nice SATA RAID 5 with 4 disk drives on my server so i can map a network drive and put all my important crap there and just have my games loaded on my drive (me likey raptor!). Maybe nice hitachi's or whatever HDD for the raid array(not quite sure yet) I was looking at the FastTrack s150 SX4 control and then putting 4 large drives that way if any of drives crap out i still have everything. Plus some scripts that run nightly on my computers to backup all my stuff onto my server :)

So after reading some posting. I was just wondering if this raid card would work well with what i want to do. Or any suggestions, reading the shielded SATA cables, i dont think i will being doing all the heavy of stuff just streaming mp3's off it maybe a game a server.

so gimmie some 2 cents

Ohh yeah just to add a little bit more that i just thought of. Say i set this bad boy up and its running for like 4 years and i need to replace a drive. What happens if i cant find the same drive for a replacement? could i just buy another disk same size and everything A-ok or do i have to buy all new drives?
thanks in advance
Look at 3Ware and LSI for your SATA card. As for the drives, they really should be matched. If you don't want to have to think about getting the same type drive if one fails then buy Seagates (5 year Warranty) and be done with it.
