good power supply?


Apr 26, 2007
ive been checking out fsp and enermax PSUs here the past few days and im not sure which company is better. i was thinking that i need a psu over 400watts with dual 12v rails that have at least 18A (recommended by video card) i was thinking that right around $80 would be a good figure for a quality psu. im not a hardcore gamer or anything like that just mainly video encoding and music. i just want something that will give me enough power and be reliable for a while to come. the system im going to be building is an intel dp965lt motherboard with a e6420 CPU EVGA 128 GeForce 7300GT (nothing special) one stick of 1gig ddr2 memory for now then another of the same later on ummm a 320 gig sata Seagate HD and a sony dvd burner. thats pretty much all im going to have nothing huge just a good all around system im thinking.
here is the fsp one i was checking out
and then the enermax one its a little more and ive heard better things about the fsp brand so im leaning twards the FSP brand

id appreciate any comments or suggestions to change what im getting ive got a case and the motherboard i listed is on its way right now.
both brands are good so in this case money will decide. btw if you are not planning to upgrade this pc by much and want to save some money you can go with a 300-350w psu aswell
yea i might get another hard drive or another DVD drive so id just rather have the power if i need it. i don't want to spend some outrageous amount just something that will be good quality and last me a while. i just want to make sure i get a good PSU that wont die on me something that will last me for at least a couple years of moderate to high use. i just want to know what the best quality would be for a decent price i was looking at rosewill but as far as i can see they are on the bottom end of the "quality" and "reliability" and more about looks to get people to buy their PSUs. ive never built a computer but ive learned quick about what seems to good to be true and what not.
grrrr I dont like Tt

i think their stuff is crap..

I know FSP aka forton is good and my "good" PSU conpanies use theirs and rebrand them..

like OCZ, some Tt s and many others...

I would not buy a Tt bc you dont know if it is a compusa $29 POS or a FSP
i was thinking about the thermaltake one to its alot cheaper but its got tons of good reviews so i dunno and i have had some people recommend it to me. i dont need alot of power and it seems to have what i need besides the dual rails plus its got alot on connectors.

No. That psu is pretty bad, it's only got 18a, and newegg reviews are worse than no reviews. "i plug it in it works 5/5" "it was doa 0/5" Don't buy it.

grrrr I dont like Tt

i think their stuff is crap..

I know FSP aka forton is good and my "good" PSU conpanies use theirs and rebrand them..

like OCZ, some Tt s and many others...

I would not buy a Tt bc you dont know if it is a compusa $29 POS or a FSP

Coherent sentences?

FSP isn't exactly particularly outstanding. Especially the Epsilon. It's rebadged by OCZ as the GameXstream, and it has out of spec ripple at high loads. As for TT, there's CWT for toughpower and a few other models, and Sirtec for the rest. Hardly a $29 CompUSSR pos. Or FSP. I don't think they ever used FSP.
so what would be a good one from the ones ive looked at? from what i can see from your posts all of them arent very good brands. i dont know what to pick i just want to make sure i get a good brand name that will work good for me. the thermaltake is kind of overkill i dont need all of the connectors that come with it. i think that the fsp one has got some pretty good ratings but like you said reviews on newegg arnt really the best to determine the "quality" or "reliability" of a product because most of the reviews are like when people just get them like from a few days to around a month. i dont think thats a good comparison i want something of quality that wont crap out quick. im sure that some of the cheaper brand name ones might do the job and last long but i would think that a name brand would last longer but you can never tell.
yea ive been checking them out but id rather just order stuff through newegg and i think its quite a bit more. i think that im fairly sure im going with this FSP power supply. this one should suit me just fine or maybe the 500w one but this one has more amps on the lower voltage rails so i think this one should be pretty good. from what ive heard FSP is a good brand name and its a good price from what i can tell. i didnt really want modular cabling i heard that it adds more resistance. if anyone can recommend a better one with the at least 18A on the 12v rail please id really appreciate your advice. :p thanks to everyone thats posted so far ive learned alot about what to look for in power supplies from posts in this forum and other threads.
I have a FSP for a lower end machine and it works for what I need, but I'll let someone who is more qualified on PSU stuff than I to speak on them.
I have that fortron power supply in my's quiet, does everything i need (power an x1900xtx, amd 4600+ x2, 2 dvd-burners, hauppauge 500, zalman 7700, and 2 sata hard drives....and a 120mm fan) absolutely runs 24/7 for the last 6 months
sweet thats about what i will be using it for. you actually have more stuff running on it then i would. im only going to have one dvd burner and a 320 gig sata drive. it seems like the best quality i can find for the price. :p
corsair cost to much for me but im not getting the PSU till last anyways so maybe it will go down. i don't need an SLI super high performance power supply if i did i would go with the corsair but i just need something that will be reliable for a nice price and ive heard good things about FSP. i just wanted to make sure i get a good one. i still have to get the processor, memory, video card, and hard drive, then windows xp home and some extra fans and stuff. hopefully i wont have any other problems with the other parts when i do get the PSU to start everything up at the end.
corsair cost to much for me but im not getting the PSU till last anyways so maybe it will go down. i don't need an SLI super high performance power supply if i did i would go with the corsair but i just need something that will be reliable for a nice price and ive heard good things about FSP. i just wanted to make sure i get a good one. i still have to get the processor, memory, video card, and hard drive, then windows xp home and some extra fans and stuff. hopefully i wont have any other problems with the other parts when i do get the PSU to start everything up at the end.

there is usally a rebate on the corsair ones..... you really get what you payfor
I wanted to say thanks to all who recommended the Corsair HX520W PS. I just got it with another $10 off with Google checkout. This should be a good PS for my HTPC build. Thanks again guys.
corsair cost to much for me but im not getting the PSU till last anyways so maybe it will go down. i don't need an SLI super high performance power supply if i did i would go with the corsair but i just need something that will be reliable for a nice price and ive heard good things about FSP. i just wanted to make sure i get a good one. i still have to get the processor, memory, video card, and hard drive, then windows xp home and some extra fans and stuff. hopefully i wont have any other problems with the other parts when i do get the PSU to start everything up at the end.

Well Corsair's aren't really made for the "SLI super high performance" PC's :p. And true modular cabling does increase resistance but it makes absolutely no difference at all. The FSP will do but really, the Corsair is quite a bit better and I can see why you want to stick to Newegg but with a deal like this, it's a bit dumb in my opinion. is one of the worse large resellers but it'll get you your item in a reasonable amount of time without any major problems 99% of the time.
*sigh* id like to get the corsair but i didnt want to spend that much you are all making me want that one :p what if after like 6 months them things go bad. the corsair brand PSUs haven't been around very long how do you know how good they will do in the long term? i forgot who made them for corsair. just a thought i just was thinking Fortron Group has been around for a good while and seems like they would have a good PSU if it has their name on it not just another company that makes them for them like corsair had Seasonic i think was who it was make them power supplies to put the corsair name on.
Because Corsair is made by Seasonic, and Seasonic has been around since the dinosaurs.

You get what you pay for.