Good overclockable processor?

S939 Opteron 144, 146, or 148, depending on what CPU multi you want.
Though, is there a gamble getting for an opty? I've heard that some steppings do well while some don't. Obviously the definition of "well" has to be defined. Overall would it be safe to say that the optys o/c better than the a64s san diegos and venices? Also would a ninja heatsink w/ two fans mounted (combind 70cfm air) be enuf for overclocking these processors. I hear the opties run hot.
yes, it would be safe to say that opterons overclock better than a64's, almost always
;) 274HTT is the board limit. Not 270, thats .05ghz difference :p
LOL. Actually it was around 274!!! Don't know how u knew it on this boad but yes!!! :cool:
What about my heatsink/fan combo? The scythe and the one antec tricool blowing on it and a mounted nexus 120mm.
Chalk another one up for the 146 Opteron. (Havent gotten around to the OC part yet, its sitting at 2.0ghz with an XP-90 :p :D :eek: ). Some day I would like to see how far it can go.
Though at SPCR, they tested the scythe ninja and xp 90 and I believe the scythe performed as well if not better than the xp-90. Plus I can make two fans blowing air into the heatsink rather than one.