Good or Bad? Plugging in all 3 case fans on motherboard to control rpm?


Oct 13, 2005
Hi ppl,

I'm using a Asus P5Q Pro motherboard and I plugged in the stock E8400 cpu fan and 3 case fans onto the motherboard. I used the CPU_FAN, PWR_FAN, CHA_FAN1 and CHA_FAN2 slots and have the bios set to "silent" profile to reduce the rpm of the case fans when idling. I'm using the Antec P180 and 3x120 Yate-Loon low speeds.

Is this safe/good for the motherboard? or should I get a fan controller to control the 3 case fans?

Thanks in advance.
The mainboard should be designed for it if it's any good, so I can't see how it'd be harmful. Yes, it'd put more wear on some parts, but it'd take decades before you'd notice the difference.
The mainboard should be designed for it if it's any good, so I can't see how it'd be harmful. Yes, it'd put more wear on some parts, but it'd take decades before you'd notice the difference.

I'm curious how lower RPM on the fans put more wear on them? Or are you talking about the electronic components on the MB not being cooled as well as having the fans at 100%?
I'm curious how lower RPM on the fans put more wear on them? Or are you talking about the electronic components on the MB not being cooled as well as having the fans at 100%?
She was probably referring to the fact that the motherboard has to supply the power itself which puts more stress on its power regulation circuitry. However, modern motherboards are designed to be able to handle fans plugged into all the ports.
She was probably referring to the fact that the motherboard has to supply the power itself which puts more stress on its power regulation circuitry. However, modern motherboards are designed to be able to handle fans plugged into all the ports.

that's exactly my point....just don't want the motherboard to die out prematurely than it should....
that's exactly my point....just don't want the motherboard to die out prematurely that it should....
The motherboard should be fine. Like I said, modern boards are designed to be able to handle fans.
The motherboard should be fine. Like I said, modern boards are designed to be able to handle fans.

Yeah, if the VRMs and surrounding are designed and selected properly, it should handle the few Watts from those fans without noticing it. GPUs and such pull a lot more power than even some chunky Delta fans. I imagine the mainboard uses PWM to regulate the fans, which'd not put much strain on its components. It's usually (cheap) fan controllers which just use an LM317T or so which merely dissipates the power via a heatsink to control the voltage to a fan and therefore are less desirable from a long-term perspective, if only because of the heat they add to the system.
I've been doing this on my P5Q Pro since last summer. I love being able to control the fans with the motherboard. Very useful.