Good older games?

oqvist said:
Stay well clear of Deus Ex and Half Life... Deus Ex was always bad. Half Life 2 was good but playing it now it just feels old...

Deus Ex was "always" bad? Uh-huh. Maybe if your "always" means "never." That game rocked, got stupendous reviews, and I'm not the only one saying so. And then you say playing Half-Life 2 feels old, yet you recommend System Shock 2.
I meant Half Life of course lol...

System Shock 2 survived the time better. I am not talking visuals but gameplay :).

Deus Ex the level design was just horrible... Using the wrong game engine I suppose. Streets all empty and they explain it by a plague... The plague was there because they used the Unreal engine that couldn´t handle that large levels... Deus Ex had large levels but there was nothing in it. You had guards sitting on piedestals that wouldn´t care if you attacked one while the other one was looking. The AI was horrendous.

The famous several ways through a level? Yes you have a secton where you have tons of crates for no logic reason. You have other ways through and when you get through that you get to a stupid pyramid structure that is so stupidly architected it´s silly...

Now this is of course my opinion many likes Deus Ex but I can´t recommend it to my worst enemy.

As for Half Life well that was and is a well designed game but I just didn´t find any joy replaying it since you now notice how thin the story really was and are used to the tricks that was employed.

Half Life 2 I can recommend but good luck running that lol.