good html and javascript reference book


Aug 15, 2004
i'm taking a class on javascript in college and the text that we're using is alright but doesn't contain any reference or appendix section where it has a comprehensive list of html tags and javascript commands/functions. come on, who remembers every tag and command/function? anyway.... i don't want to start a discussion on this.
i'm just looking for a decent reference handbook for this.
so without further ado, please give me some recommendations.

thank you in advance.
Dunno if they still make these and I'll have to check when I get home, but there's a cheap ($19.99) HTML reference that I found to be highly useful. All I remember is that it was printed on el cheapo paper, thick as hell and orange.

Had all the tags including what version they were and what browser they worked in. Also had all the Javascript commands (but the book was far more useful for HTML.)

Something like "1000 pages for $19.99" was on the cover; if nobody posts what it is by the time I get home I'll dig up the book and post the publisher/title.

[edit] Sorry, forgot to look last night. I *think* this is the book:
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