Good Home Network Solution?


Jun 23, 2004
I'm looking to get into a home server. This would be for 2 desktops and 1 laptop. I'm actually setting up for someone else. I've got a HP MediaSmart Home Server and it works pretty well for what I need. I've had it for a few years. Is that still a good option? It would be for backup and document sharing mostly. Remote access is not that important.

Anyone have any thoughts? Thanks.
Sounds like it already works for you, why change it than. For what you doing those HP Home Servers are sufficient enough IMHO.
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, the one I have works for me. But I'm actually setting this up fro someone else and I didn't know if there was a better way to go now. Since I set mine up a few years ago.
If you're at all familiar with Linux it's not that difficult to put together a low-power Ubuntu Server box, install samba, share a directory or two and pop it on your network... Works pretty well for us. But then.. would a simple NAS box work just as well for less effort?