Good gaming reviews/news websites?


Limp Gawd
Mar 27, 2006
I'd like to find some new good ones to read.

I obviously know about all the big ones like IGN, Gamespot, Bluesnews, Eurogamer, etc, also some smaller ones;,, escapistmagazine, Also know some more dev oriented like,

Any other PC only, like Or even interesting blogs (gaming).
Penny Arcade.
they don't do a lot of gaming reviews per say, but any game they recommend is bound to be worth the money.
i get all my news from:

vairous forums

I occasionally check joystiq and kotaku but not really big fans of them.

also be sure to check out for video game physics news like PhysX and Havok.
I read it occasionally, but they seem to give out a lot of 4/5 ratings.

Well they mostly review bigger games that usually tend to be good. Jeff and Ryan are the primary reviewers. Brad is mostly the PC guy and I believe he does some behind the scenes stuff at Whiskey and Vinny is very much a behind the scenes guy. So they don't have a lot of people to review a lot of games.
TheEDGE - Not the be all and end all that it once was, but still decent and a lot of devs post in their forums.

Also; It's an actual magazine! (since the early 90s) - That sells copies.
Lots of trade info, jobs etc.
UK based.
What do people think of Giantbomb? Alot of hype when it started up a while back.

I think they do so-so reviews , Jeff I respect but sometimes I really wanna punch him in his fat face for the dumb ass shit he spews.

I like 1UP , they have a pretty hardcore group of gamers and aren't worried about pissing off publishers (part of the reason they've had more than a few rounds of lay offs).

IGN has the worst reviews , they give high scores to trivial games that don't deserve it and shun the big releases. That site is a joke when it comes to gaming reviews.

Game informer (while not a website but a publication) is a bought and sold whore for Gamestop but sometimes they do half way decent reviews , just take it with a tow truck sized grain of salt for big releases (they love everything thats big and popular).

PC Gamer use to be half way decent but the best staff got laid off or took other jobs , now they are a horrible as well.

I don't really let gaming web sites decide what I like and dislike for the most part , I know my personal taste and there really isn't a "goto" site anymore. I live by the simple rule : If its something I've liked in the past its pretty damn likely I'll enjoy it in the future and innovation is always a good thing even in small doses.

Case in point for me , I love Black Ops even with its bugs and need for fixes I think personally its the best COD since 4 . Lots of publications/websites loved MW2 and while I played (because I was bored) I really hated its poorly balanced feel and near completely ignored hacking issues ( sorry banning 3 or 4 rounds of players over a year is not good enough VAC). It seems tons of people love to hate Black Ops but Treyarch has only improved on there gaming formula since they started doing COD games. I would love to see them do other PC games as well I think they have a really creative team.
Joystiq and Giantbomb are the only ones I read regular plus they have great podcasts. I haven't found a good PC gaming site worth reading regularly.
I think they do so-so reviews , Jeff I respect but sometimes I really wanna punch him in his fat face for the dumb ass shit he spews.

Yeah. GB is great for their podcasts and other features. I don't often read their reviews though. Jeff seems to like to speak without bothering to consider what he is saying. He's always been that way, even in his early days at Gamespot.
i forget the name of this site, it got news, reviews and all, grey www style, and blog made by girl also i think she made a video reviews, can you tell me that it is or was?
Zero Punctuation. Yeah he hates almost every game that comes out, but his opinions are a lot closer to the mark than the "professional" outlets like IGN and Gamespot.
Thanks for the tips. Zero Punctuation is great, yeah. I think he's usually quite on point.

Still, not a single PC only gaming site? is the only one then I guess.
To be honest, while I do keep up a general awareness of "legitimate" reviews, usually the best way to gauge how good a game is is to look at various forums, from the players themselves. Steam, Hardforums, Bluesnews, the actual game forums, etc. You can usual get a good vibe from the game from the players.
To be honest, while I do keep up a general awareness of "legitimate" reviews, usually the best way to gauge how good a game is is to look at various forums, from the players themselves. Steam, Hardforums, Bluesnews, the actual game forums, etc. You can usual get a good vibe from the game from the players.

A good idea on top of that is to read a lot of reviews by different professional reviewers and get a feel for what they do and don't like and how their "voice? changes from genre to genre and game to game. Just reading a bunch of reviews at different sites is good, but its also good to know how your tastes compare to those of the reviewer.
Gamespot reviews are like telemarketing commercials now, especially the ones done by VanOrd and Watters.
I've always been rather partial to Ben Kuchera, who is the main game reviewer/news guy for Ars Technica. He's had some public confrontations, both in the comments and on Twitter, but the guy reviews games like he's a gamer, not a journalist. I don't always agree with his opinions, but:

1. He can always back up what he says

2. As previously stated, the guy reads like he's a gamer, not a journalist.
To be honest, while I do keep up a general awareness of "legitimate" reviews, usually the best way to gauge how good a game is is to look at various forums, from the players themselves. Steam, Hardforums, Bluesnews, the actual game forums, etc. You can usual get a good vibe from the game from the players.

Yeah, this thread wasn't about that, I don't care for reviews in a is-this-game-good way. I just like reading well written reviews with some sharp observations.

pojut, reading a review by him now.

lol. Seriously.......

Gamespot was never a good site, and never will be. They are shills nothing more. All of the console kiddies might get their news from there and take the "reviews" to heart, but no self respecting pc gamer would visit it even by accident, let alone deliberately.

PCGamer (the mag) was good in the 90's, not sure about the website.
lol. Seriously.......

Gamespot was never a good site, and never will be. They are shills nothing more. All of the console kiddies might get their news from there and take the "reviews" to heart, but no self respecting pc gamer would visit it even by accident, let alone deliberately.

PCGamer (the mag) was good in the 90's, not sure about the website.

Gamespot was good, a long time ago. Back when Greg Kasavin was running it and it had people like Ryan Davis, Jeff Gertsman, Matt Rorie, Alex Navarro, and a number of other good and interesting people writing articles. After Kasavin left and Jeff took over the site took a massive nose dive and its kept going down ever sense.
Gonna toss in

Nothing particularly remarkable about it except that I've found the reviews often line up with my opinions of various games over the years. Also, they don't give every AAA title a fawning, ridiculously perfect score.
Forgive the self-plug, but I have a fair number of game reviews posted; a mix between modern and older games. PC games show up fairly frequently, although that's not what I cover exclusively. The site is run by myself and my wife.

If you're interested:

Well since you did a self plug, I'm going to do the same thing

Not a lot of reviews right now (just put up one on Force Unleashed 2 yesterday) and very much not reviews on release, but we have a small and fairly intelligent user games (yours truly excluded some days). Site is run by myself, a friend, and his brother (not in that order), but we'll always accept help and suggestions.
I'm a fan of Bit Tech. They do more than just game reviews but their opinions on games seem to match up fairly well with mine. And I like the dry British humor.

Awesome! I'll check it out tonight. Perhaps a link swap may be in order? Don't know what your traffic numbers are like, but we broke 50,000 visitors for the year a week or two ago...super happy about that, considering the site is just something we do in our spare time.
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I usually gauge an average review score on then listen to gamers on forums before leaping. Also, if theres a demo I'm all over it before hand. collects official review and publication scores across the web and in magazines and such, I usually go there to get a general idea of whether a game is worthwhile or not according to the critics.