Going need a new core 2 board now


Jan 14, 2010
Yesterday i killed my striker II formula board which had been trusty and reliable from the start.

Short story... I unpluged my phone data cable and dropped it to the floor because i had a call, walked off to take the call, walked back after the call and the computer had turned off. looked down and the data cable had dropped onto a radiator pipe. No prob i thought, usb 5 volt must have shorted through the earthed radiator pipe. Turned off for a few seconds and back on again and now i just get a power up, cpu init on the post display and nothing else.

I tested every fuse and every mosfet regulated line on the board, everything is fine but the cpu core voltage plane which is at precisely 0.00v and no reason why. So id say this board is pretty much knackerd.

Anyway people, ive had a hunt around for a new board but you dont seem to get much info about overclocking options etc, etc.
The striker cost me 160GBP but i havnt got that sort of money to spend on another one.
What i need......
skt 755.
Enough power for a Q6600 G0 to be clocked through the roof.
Pretty much an infinite amount of overclocking options.
quiet, no roaring northbridge fans.
post display.
Dual lan.
Any suggestions? Im willing spend up to 80GBP because i dont want take too big a chunk from my water cooling budget.

Thanks all.
Admin move this to motherboards. i didnt realise i was still in cpu.
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I'm assuming your on Dial-up still and you unplugged the phone line to your PC to talk a call?
Even very old boards based off the P965 would probably work for you; they should be relatively inexpensive. :)


One of his requirements though was

Makes it harder to suggest a board. I was going to suggest my board ( Gigabyte P45-UD3P ) but that one thing threw a monkey wrench into it.

I guess the main question here is a good Nvidia s775 board with a good quad-core OC history?
Thanks for the replies.

Yes im thinking something nvidia. I found an Asus P5N-D pretty much all there is under 80 quid but i dont think its possible to oc 1066 ram with it. Does anyone know?

Whats the difference between nforce 750i and 780i

I've had to chuck in a gigabyte 965P-DS3 but it looks crap compared to the striker has no ram timing options and no sli.
Pretty much any LGA775 Nvidia board (for SLI support) is going to be shit. Were I you I'd sell both of the cards you're using currently and get a single card solution and a P45 based board. It'll clock better, it'll be more stable, and you won't have to deal with any of the bullshit and reliability issues associated with Nvidia chipsets on the LGA775 platform.
Well the EVGA 790i Ultra I have has been working FLAWLESSLY for over two years at 3.5Ghz with a Q9450. Triple SLI GTX 280. I guess I got really lucky. Have a good one.

: )
I've had to chuck in a gigabyte 965P-DS3 but it looks crap compared to the striker has no ram timing options and no sli.

When in the bios hit Ctrl and F1 at the same time to enter into overclocking part with ram timings.. I still use my DS3 Rev3.3 F14 beta and it can run 45nm chips as i had a e5200 @3.9Ghz on it.. now runing Xeon x3230 @ 3.4Ghz and a Ati HD5850 and i agree about Sli vs single as a HD5870 or HD5970 would be my pick..