God! look at this!!!


Sep 1, 2005
has anyone played the game Savage : the battle for newerth? it was a great fantasy 3rdperson/Fps MORPG. now Sam (the leader of savage) has left s2 with 2 others (only 3 people at the moment :eek: ) and are working on something new. its called Project Offset at the moment, the name of the engine.

just watch those movies, im just bluffed :eek: :eek:
my pc can't run the 1920x1080 HD (89mb) NVidia movie though.
But those unreal engine 3 guys can learn a whole lot of sh!t from these guys who are making this with only 3 people hahaha.. This game is gonna be bombastic!

*btw, if you open the s2games site you can see they also are working on a new title called Savage 2: A Tortured Soul :D
That savage looks ok. But the project offset is pretty awsome stuff. However i am weary of the fate of offset, considering they are running out of money, and have yet to find a publisher. I am affraid that project offset might be already dead in the water. As for them teaching the guys at unreal tech anything is bold, considering unreal's engine looks better. I sorry but I trust a seasoned vet like unreal to create a powerful and stable engine, some how 3 guys creating an entire engine from scratch is a little discerning. Not that I think they can't do it, but can they do it in a reasonable amount of time? and make it optimized and playable in the time? I doubt it. If they don't get more poeple to help who knows how long it will be till we see project offset as a game, cause right now its just a tech demo. Don't get me wrong I would love to see it suceed cause the idea of a fantasy FPS is a great idea. Im on board, just get a publisher already!
actually Savage was beyond a 3rdperson/Fps MORPG. It was more a cross of FPS and RTS. Them team commander could control NPCs, direct attacks, and contruct buildngs for defense and production of stronger character classes
looks amazing!!

also can't run the 1920x1080p clip, computer chops... damn nVidia with their 'supposedly" hardware decoding videocard.. CPU runs at 100%

thread title? :eek:
omfg! i wonder what kind of system will be needed to run this.....i was about to upgrade my comp to a 3800+ and 7800gt but i may wait now.
omg this game looks amazing so far, kinda reminds me of lotr which is cool. the game looks amazing but lets hope it can run smooth during multiplay/online!

i like the castle seige part

This is what I have been waiting my whole life for!

Tell me I don't need a 2 gig video card and flux capaciter!? holy crap
Tim Sweeny who...?

The short sequence in the end where you run down the stairs is the tits.

btw my pc can handle the 1920x1080i vid just fine 54%-60% cpu usage:
3.06 Northwood
2048 Kingston Hyper X
XFX 7800 GTX
kuyaglen said:
Tim Sweeny who...?

The short sequence in the end where you run down the stairs is the tits.

btw my pc can handle the 1920x1080i vid just fine 54%-60% cpu usage:
3.06 Northwood
2048 Kingston Hyper X
XFX 7800 GTX

Thats cause the 7800GTX is not gay like the 6800(GT,Ultra) cards, btw what I can see of it it looks great.