"Go to first new post" button not working correctly

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Supreme [H]ardness
Feb 10, 2004
On other forums when I hit that button it takes me to the first new post since the last time I selected that thread, no matter how long ago that was.

On Hardforum, it seems to take me to the first new post made on that day. So if I read a thread a few weeks back and there were posts made throughout that time I would have to scroll up to see them.

Is this how others are seeing this? I'm on FF (3.6.23) with a lot of add-ons (including noscript) so I'm not sure if those are causing it (which I doubt)
Forum Marking is based on cookies, if your cookie was removed since your last visit, the site wont be able to track your last session/visit.

If your blocking any cookies from [H], as there are more than one, this function will not work.

I've tested this function and it works correctly.
Broken for me. Don't block any cookies, never have.
Its not broken.

Say you read post 30 in a thread, then go do something else, head back to the forum, you see that there are now 4 new posts you will still go to post 30 as the first unread post, as its based on your last visit to the forums and not indivual thread views, IE would have issues with the size of the cookies.

You would have to wait for your cookie to timeout, then columns would be updated, then when you went it would go to the next post. But you are browsing the board so its based on the time before wether you read the post or not.
I've changed the marking type for this function, to NOT use the cookie and instead use the database, there will be a higher resource usage with it set this way, but may give you your desired results.
Is this any better for the way your expecting this feature to work?
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